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Migration and Home Affairs
  • Expert meetings

Cross-cutting Thematic Event - Prevention of violent extremism: a shared responsibility between mental health care and the security domain

The role of mental health issues or mental illness in relation to radicalisation and violent extremism has gained more attention over the past few years. As discussed during the RAN Practitioners Mental Health Working Group meeting on ‘Enhancing the cooperation between mental health practitioners and security forces in P/CVE,’ practitioners noted a new phenomenon whereby a very high number of cases they encountered recently related to violent extremism seemed to suffer from some kind of mental health issue. Additionally, Europol signalled in their TE-SAT 2022 that violent incidents not labelled as terrorist but using terrorist modi operandi occurred in 2021: ‘While sometimes showing signs of religious radicalisation, the perpetrators of these incidents displayed other driving factors, in particular mental health issues.’ 

  • radicalisation
  • Tuesday 28 November 2023, 09:00 - 15:00 (CET)
  • The Hague, Netherlands
  • External event

Practical information

Tuesday 28 November 2023, 09:00 - 15:00 (CET)
Cross-cutting Thematic Event
The Hague, Netherlands
RAN Practitioners Staff
