The Schengen project started 40 years ago in 1985 on board of a vessel on the River Mosselle, a territory shared by Luxembourg, Germany and France and highly symbolic for European cooperation.
At the basis of this bold project is the Schengen Agreement, which was signed by five European countries: Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.
This agreement marked a defining moment in European history: establishing the basis for enhanced mutual trust, by setting the stage for the abolition of internal border controls between participating nations and simultaneously strengthening the protection of the common external borders.
The decision to abolish internal border controls reflected a collective desire to overcome the divisions of the Cold War and to foster unity and peace following the devastating effects of World War II.

Over time, Schengen expanded to include more countries, becoming an essential component of European unity. The Schengen Convention in 1990, provided the legal and operational mechanisms necessary for its effective implementation. The legal framework included provisions for police and judicial cooperation, information-sharing between countries, and standardised visa policies.
In 1997, the Treaty of Amsterdam further incorporated the Schengen rules into EU law, making it a central part of EU policies on border control and movement.
The Schengen area without internal frontiers now includes 29 Schengen States: 25 EU Member States and 4 non-EU countries: Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Cyprus is also participating in Schengen, although the internal border control is not yet lifted. Given the benefits of Schengen cooperation, Ireland has requested to participate in some Schengen areas, including the Schengen Information System as well as judicial and police cooperation.

- 2025
40th anniversary of the signing of the Schengen Agreement
Abolition of internal land border controls with Bulgaria and Romania.
- 2024
Lifting of internal air and sea border controls and decision on the lifting of internal land border controls with Bulgaria and Romania.
Schengen evaluation of Ireland.
- 2023
Lifting of internal border controls with Croatia.
Cyprus connects to the Schengen Information System.
- 2022
First meeting of the Schengen Council and establishment of the Schengen Cycle.
- 2011
Abolition of internal border controls with Liechtenstein.
- 2010
Schengen visas started to be issued.
- 2009
Abolition of internal border controls with Switzerland.
- 2008
Abolition of internal border controls with Czechia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia.
- 2007
Lifting of internal land and sea border controls with Czechia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia.
- 2001
Abolition of internal border controls with Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway and Iceland.
- 2000
Abolition of internal border controls with Greece.
- 1999
Entry into force of the Schengen Protocol to the Amsterdam Treaty, establishing Schengen as a form of close cooperation between EU Member States and associated countries, integrating it into the European Union framework.
- 1997
Abolition of internal border controls with Italy and Austria.
- 1995
Schengen Convention enters into force.
Internal border controls abolished between Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Spain and Portugal.
- 1990
Signature of the Schengen Convention, implementing the Schengen Agreement.
- 1985
Signature of the Schengen Agreement by: Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.
Criteria for countries to join Schengen
As part of the EU enlargement process, EU candidate countries are required to develop a Schengen governance system that aligns their national framework with all Schengen rules. This includes building the necessary capacities to implement these rules to the highest standards, through a strong national Schengen governance framework.
Once the country joins the EU, it becomes a Schengen State, as all Schengen rules are binding upon accession, even if some only apply at a later stage, such as full active access to all information systems, the right to issue Schengen visas and the right to abolishing controls at the internal borders. For the full set of rules to be applicable, with the abolishment of controls at internal borders as the final milestone, these new Schengen States need to undergo an evaluation coordinated by the European Commission and implemented in close cooperation with Member States under the Schengen evaluation mechanism.
Once the Schengen evaluation confirms that the Schengen State is ready to fully join the Schengen area without internal frontiers, the Council needs to take a decision, including abolishing controls at the internal border controls. This represents agreement by all EU Member States applying the Schengen rules.
More information on the Schengen Evaluation and Monitoring Mechanism.