Statistics - European Commission
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Migration and Home Affairs

Reliable data on the patterns and scale of migration and asylum flows, as well as data showing from where immigrants originate, are essential to devising an effective EU migration and asylum policy.

Reporting of migration and asylum statistics

As set in the Migration Statistics Regulation, EU countries provide Eurostat, the statistical office of the EU, with monthly, quarterly and annual statistics on international migration and asylum. These cover:

  • immigration to and emigration from EU States (including intra-EU migration)
  • acquisition of citizenship
  • asylum: applications, decisions at first instance and in appeals or review, Dublin requests decisions and transfers
  • irregular migration: refusals at the border, apprehensions once inside the EU territory, return orders and returns
  • residence permits and long-term residents

The Migration Statistics Regulation was amended in 2020. The amended regulation increases the frequency and the level of detail of the statistics from reference year 2021, including more detailed information on unaccompanied minors.

Published facts and figures

  • Monthly, quarterly and annual migration and asylum statistics across EU countries are available online on the Eurostat database.

Link to Eurostat database

  • The Commission’s Statistics on migration to Europe webpage includes key facts as well as downloadable graphs and charts on migration and asylum statistics. The page is updated every three months.

Link to Statistics on migration to Europe

Role of statistics in the distribution of EU funding

Regular collection of data on international migration and asylum is important for the distribution of EU funds. Funds dedicated to carry out EU’s migration and asylum projects and programmes are distributed based on pre-established statistical criteria. These take into account:

  • asylum applications
  • returns of non-EU nationals living unauthorised in an EU State
  • other migration-related statistics


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