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Migration and Home Affairs
News article3 July 2024Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs1 min read

New European Union Drugs Agency starts work with broader competencies

EUDA logo visual

On 2 July, the European Union Drugs Agency (EUDA) started working in Lisbon replacing the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA). The EU legislation revised the EMCDDA mandate and name and formally established the EUDA in June 2023. 

With this new mandate, the EUDA will play a role in ensuring the EU’s preparedness to address developments on illicit drugs that negatively impact public health, safety and security. The EUDA will carry out its mission by researching and supporting on health and supply aspects of the drug situation and by developing threat assessments.

Its work focuses on contributing to EU preparedness on drugs through four main actions:

  • Anticipate: Helping the EU and its Member States anticipate future drug-related challenges and their consequences.
  • Alert: Issuing real-time alerts on new drug risks and threats to health and security.
  • Respond: Helping the EU and its Member States strengthen their responses to the drug phenomenon.
  • Learn: Facilitating EU-wide knowledge exchange and learning for evidence-based drug policies and interventions.

Find out more:

New European Union Drugs Agency starts work with broader mandate

Commissioner Johansson's speech at the launch of the EU Drugs Agency



Publication date
3 July 2024
Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs