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Migration and Home Affairs

RAN Policy & Practice Preventing radicalisation of asylum seekers and refugees, Rome 11 December 2019

The RAN Policy and Practice event in Rome on 11 December 2019 brought together policy makers and practitioners active in health and social care, youth and community work, education and police, to work in the interface of Prevention and Countering of Violent Extremism (P/CVE) and refugee - related policies.

The aim of this meeting was to discuss current P/CVE approaches and good practice specifically aimed at addressing the potential vulnerabilities and needs related to refugees and asylum seekers from two angles:

  1. In the PVE field – how to safeguard refugees and asylum seekers and how to build their resilience, including in refugee facilities and communities;
  2. In the CVE field – how to prevent and counter far-right extremist narratives and mobilisation against refugees and asylum seekers.

Policy & Practice challenges and key messages shared during the meeting, as well as recommendations for further research and RAN activities in relation to these topics, are summarised in this ex post paper. One of the key messages was that those concerned about at-risk groups should timely deal with their needs, in order to raise resilience. Policies should be risk- and need-based. Read more


PDF Paper (also available in French and German)