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Migration and Home Affairs

A Nimble (NMBL) Approach to Youth Engagement in P/CVE, 2018

There is no shortage of excellent theory and practice in preventing and countering violent extremism (P/ CVE), much of which has been developed and carried out by some of the almost 5 000 practitioners within the Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN), and many case studies of which are included in the RAN Collection.

However, given the renewed emphasis on “multistakeholderism”, it is clear that a true asset of RAN is its ability to network these practitioners and empower them to become more than a sum of their parts. But, this may be insufficient. These stakeholders will come from different backgrounds, perspectives and practice areas, and it would be naive to think that they will be able to cooperate seamlessly.

This handbook therefore aims to bridge the gap between two such stakeholders, frontline practitioners and youth, to facilitate their better coordination towards P/CVE objectives. And, given the historic lack of emphasis on youth engagement in P/CVE work, it considers that youth may not be currently engaging directly in this area, but could be empowered to do so, and therefore contains tips for doing this safely and effectively. Read more


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