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RAN Spotlight

Spotlight is a quarterly publication for the RAN’s network of practitioners. Each edition throws a spotlight on different issues, from mental health to Violent Right-Wing Extremism.

Spotlight on 13 YEARS OF RAN
General publications4 July 2024
Spotlight on 13 YEARS OF RAN | June 2024

For 13 years now, the Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN) has been supporting first-line practitioners across the EU in their efforts to prevent and counter violent extremism (P/CVE) in their communities, both on- and offline. RAN has become a benchmark in networking and collaboration in the...

Spotlight on Victims and Survivors | May 2025
General publications13 May 2024
Spotlight on Victims and Survivors | May 2025

2024 is a significant year. It marks the 20th anniversary of the European Remembrance Day for Victims of Terrorism, which was first created in memory of those who lost their lives in the 2004 Madrid train bombings.

Spotlight on The rehabilitation and reintegration | April 2024
General publications22 April 2024
Spotlight on The rehabilitation and reintegration | April 2024

The rehabilitation and reintegration of individuals convicted of terrorism-related offences, those returning from conflict zones, including their families, and those leaving extremist groups is one of the biggest security challenges facing EU Member States today.

Spotlight on The Year in Review 2023 | December 2023
General publications22 January 2024
Spotlight on The Year in Review 2023 | December 2023

This edition of the Spotlight publication also provides a summary of some of the key activities that have been delivered, hearing from some of those practitioners who have been involved, including on the European Remembrance Day for Victims and Survivors of Terrorism, the new intake of young...

Spotlight on Gender | November 2023
General publications1 December 2023
Spotlight on Gender | November 2023

This edition of the RAN Practitioners Spotlight magazine therefore takes a look at some of these gender-related challenges, including trauma in men and boys, youth and masculinity, and incel propaganda, gender-related hate speech and misogyny.

  • Spotlight on Gender | November 2023

    This edition of the RAN Practitioners Spotlight magazine therefore takes a look at some of these gender-related challenges, including trauma in men and boys, youth and masculinity, and incel propaganda, gender-related hate speech and misogyny.

    (1.49 MB - PDF)
  • Spotlight on Gender | November 2023

    This edition of the RAN Practitioners Spotlight magazine therefore takes a look at some of these gender-related challenges, including trauma in men and boys, youth and masculinity, and incel propaganda, gender-related hate speech and misogyny.

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Spotlight on mental health | September 2023
General publications18 September 2023
Spotlight on mental health | September 2023

This edition of the RAN Practitioners Spotlight magazine therefore takes a look at the nature of the mental health challenges, including personality disorders and childhood experiences, gender, training for practitioners and ethical considerations. The publication features a number of original...

Spotlight on Games, Gaming and Gamification | June 2023
General publications20 July 2023
Spotlight on Games, Gaming and Gamification | June 2023

Online gaming represents one of the biggest and fastest growing industries globally with over 900 million gamers. Its growth is not only attributed to the development of online games and communities, but also to the game hosting and adjacent communications platforms that have been specifically...

  • Spotlight on Games, Gaming and Gamification | June 2023

    Online gaming represents one of the biggest and fastest growing industries globally with over 900 million gamers. Its growth is not only attributed to the development of online games and communities, but also to the game hosting and adjacent communications platforms that have been specifically...

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  • Spotlight on Games, Gaming and Gamification | June 2023

    Online gaming represents one of the biggest and fastest growing industries globally with over 900 million gamers. Its growth is not only attributed to the development of online games and communities, but also to the game hosting and adjacent communications platforms that have been specifically...

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Spotlight on Police and Law Enforcement | May 2023
General publications15 May 2023
Spotlight on Police and Law Enforcement | May 2023

This edition of the RAN Practitioners Spotlight magazine therefore, takes a look at the important role of the police and law enforcement in preventing and countering violent extremism (P/ CVE).

  • Spotlight on Police and Law Enforcement | May 2023

    This edition of the RAN Practitioners Spotlight magazine therefore, takes a look at the important role of the police and law enforcement in preventing and countering violent extremism (P/ CVE).

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  • Spotlight on Police and Law Enforcement | May 2023

    This edition of the RAN Practitioners Spotlight magazine therefore, takes a look at the important role of the police and law enforcement in preventing and countering violent extremism (P/ CVE).

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Spotlight on The Year in Review 2022 | December 2022
General publications1 February 2023
Spotlight on The Year in Review 2022 | December 2022

This edition of the Spotlight looks backs at several emerging P/CVE challenges and highlights key events. It provides an update on the main activities delivered. We hear from the practitioners who were involved in events like the European Remembrance Day for Victims and Survivors of Terrorism, the...

Spotlight on Civil Society | December 2022
General publications16 December 2022
Spotlight on Civil Society | December 2022

Violent extremist recruitment efforts are increasingly localised. They draw on local grievances and exploit local events to radicalise vulnerable individuals. It therefore often falls to social workers, youth workers, teachers and others on the frontline in communities, to tackle this challenge.

Spotlight on Schools and Education | October 2022
General publications7 October 2022
Spotlight on Schools and Education | October 2022

The main role of schools and universities is to prepare young people for adulthood and to become active citizens and positive members of society. In so doing, their role is to ensure that young people are equipped with the skills, tools and knowledge necessary to access opportunities and succeed in...

Spotlight on COVID-19, Violent Extremism and Anti-Government Movements | October 2022
General publications7 October 2022
Spotlight on COVID-19, Violent Extremism and Anti-Government Movements | October 2022

Fuelled by the COVID-19 pandemic and the corresponding measures taken by governments and authorities, there has been a surge in anti-government action throughout Europe.

  • Spotlight on COVID-19, Violent Extremism and Anti-Government Movements | October 2022

    Fuelled by the COVID-19 pandemic and the corresponding measures taken by governments and authorities, there has been a surge in anti-government action throughout Europe.

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  • Spotlight on COVID-19, Violent Extremism and Anti-Government Movements | October 2022

    Fuelled by the COVID-19 pandemic and the corresponding measures taken by governments and authorities, there has been a surge in anti-government action throughout Europe.

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Spotlight on Prisons cover
General publications30 August 2022
Spotlight on Prisons | August 2022

The number of individuals incarcerated in prisons across Europe for violent extremism and terrorist-related offences – including both those convicted of domestic terrorism and returned foreign terrorist fighters – has increased in recent years. 

Spotlight on Ukraine | June 2022
General publications17 June 2022
Spotlight on Ukraine | June 2022

THERE is growing concern among policy makers and practitioners alike about the potential security impact of the war in Ukraine on the EU and its Member States. 

  • Spotlight on Ukraine | June 2022

    THERE is growing concern among policy makers and practitioners alike about the potential security impact of the war in Ukraine on the EU and its Member States. 

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  • Spotlight on Ukraine | June 2022

    THERE is growing concern among policy makers and practitioners alike about the potential security impact of the war in Ukraine on the EU and its Member States. 

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Spotlight on Polarisation | April 2022
General publications25 April 2022
Spotlight on Polarisation | April 2022

In this Spotlight, RAN practitioners and experts from outside of the network, share their insights on the polarisation challenge facing EU Member States today, and some of their work in addressing it. 

  • Spotlight - POLARISIERUNG | April 2022

    Ereignisse und Krisen, sowohl innerhalb als auch außerhalb der EU – wie z. B. die COVID-19-Pandemie, die Rückkehr der Taliban in Afghanistan und der Krieg in der Ukraine – können einen bedeutenden polarisierenden Effekt auf Gemeinschaften quer durch Europa haben. 

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  • Spotlight - POLARISATION | Avril 2022

    Les événements et les crises, tant à l’intérieur qu’à l’extérieur de l’UE - tels que la pandémie de COVID-19, le retour des talibans en Afghanistan et la guerre en Ukraine - peuvent avoir un effet de polarisation important sur les communautés de toute l’Europe.

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Spotlight on the Digital Ecosystem | March 2022
General publications15 March 2022
Spotlight on the Digital Ecosystem | March 2022

In this Spotlight, RAN practitioners and experts from outside of the network, share their insights on the digital ecosystem, and their work in addressing some of the digital challenges it presents.

  • Spotlight - Digitales Ökosystem | Marsch 2022

    IM LAUFE der letzten ein bis zwei Jahrzehnte hat sich die Welt digitalisiert, und terroristische sowie extremistische Gruppen haben sich an diese neuen Realitäten schneller angepasst, als wir reagieren konnten.

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  • Spotlight - Écosystème numérique | Mars 2022

    Ces dix à vingt dernières années, le monde a connu une véritable transformation numérique. Au cours de cette période, les terroristes et les extrémistes ont su s’adapter aux nouvelles réalités en gardant une longueur d’avance sur nous.

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Spotlight on the Lone Actor challenge | January 2022
General publications14 January 2022
Spotlight on the Lone Actor challenge | January 2022

As RAN Practitioners enters into a new year, Europe continues to straddle the ongoing battle between keeping societies and communities as open as possible, against the continual threat and disruption posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Spotlight - Das wachsende Problem mit EinzeltäterInnen | Januar 2022

    Am Beginn eines neuen Jahres für RAN Practitioners hat Europa weiterhin die Aufgabe, einen Ausgleich zwischen der größtmöglichen Offenheit von Gesellschaft und Gemeinschaften und der andauernden Bedrohung und Störung durch die Corona-Pandemie zu schaffen. 

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  • Spotlight - Le défi de l’évolution des acteurs isolés | Janvier 2022

    Alors que les praticiens du RAN entament une nouvelle année, l’Europe est toujours tiraillée entre l’envie de faire en sorte que les sociétés et les communautés soient les plus ouvertes possibles et la menace et les bouleversements provoqués par la pandémie de COVID-19.

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Spotlight on Conspiracy Narratives & Disinformation Cover
General publications6 December 2021
Spotlight on Conspiracy Narratives & Disinformation | December 2021

The propagation and proliferation of conspiracy narratives and disinformation is not a new phenomenon. It is an ongoing and systemic risk. However, in recent years, terrorist and extremist groups have increasingly utilised conspiracy ideologies as a tool for the radicalisation and recruitment of...

  • Spotlight on Conspiracy Narratives & Disinformation | December 2021
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  • Spotlight on Conspiracy Narratives & Disinformation | December 2021
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Spotlight on FTFs cover
General publications1 October 2021
Spotlight on Family members and children of Foreign Terrorist Fighters (FTFs) | October 2021

Following the collapse of the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), Europe saw the return of Foreign Terrorist Fighters (FTFs), and their families, who had left EU Member States to fight in Iraq and Syria. 

  • Spotlight on Familienmitglieder und Kinder von Ausländischen Terroristischen Kämpferinnen (FTFS) | Oktober 2021

    Syrien (ISIS) sind ausländische terroristische KämpferInnen (Foreign Terrorist Fighters, FTF), die Europa verlassen hatten, um im Irak und in Syrien zu kämpfen, sowie ihre Familien in die EU-Mitgliedstaaten zurückgekehrt.

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  • Spotlight on Famille et Enfants de Combattants Terroristes Étrangers (FTFS) | Octobre 2021

    Après l’effondrement de l’État islamique (ISIS) en Irak et en Syrie, l’Europe a assisté au retour des combattants terroristes étrangers (FTF) et de leurs familles, qui avaient quitté les États membres de l’UE pour se battre en Irak et en Syrie.

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Spotlight on 10 Year Anniversary | August 2021
General publications7 September 2021
Spotlight on 10 Year Anniversary | August 2021

This year marks the tenth anniversary of the Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN).

To commemorate and celebrate this momentous occasion, we have produced a special edition Spotlight magazine, which takes a look back at the past ten years of RAN, and looks ahead to the future. 




  • Spotlight on 10-Jähriges Jubiläum | August 2021

    In diesem Jahr feiert das Radicalisation Awareness Network (kurz RAN) sein zehnjähriges Bestehen.

    Mit dieser Sonderausgabe zum Jubiläum möchten wir zum Einen Rückschau halten auf das vergangene Jahrzehnt und zum Anderen einen Ausblick auf bevorstehende Projekte geben.

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  • Spotlight on Dixième Anniversaire | Août 2021

    Cette année marque le dixième anniversaire du Réseau de sensibilisation à la radicalisation (RAN).

    Dans ce numéro de Spotlight, des membres actuels et anciens du RAN, des responsables de Groupe de travail et la Commission européenne se penchent sur les raisons ayant motivé la création de ce réseau...

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Spotlight on Youth engagement
General publications26 May 2021
Spotlight on Youth engagement | March 2021

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has given new opportunities for violent extremists and terrorists to radicalise and recruit.

During the pandemic they have particularly targeted vulnerable young people – who are spending more and more time online – through gaming platforms and chat rooms.


  • Spotlight on Youth engagement | March 2021
    (14.5 MB - PDF)
  • Spotlight on Youth engagement | March 2021
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Spotlight on Prisons Rehabilitation and Reintegration
General publications26 May 2021
Spotlight on Prisons Rehabilitation and Reintegration | December 2020

The ongoing Covid pandemic has given new opportunities for violent extremists to radicalise and recruit.

The proliferation of conspiracy theories and radicalising narratives has increased, while recent attacks in Austria, France and Germany show that the terrorist threat is still very present.


  • Spotlight on Prisons Rehabilitation and Reintegration | December 2020
    (10.08 MB - PDF)
  • Spotlight on Prisons Rehabilitation and Reintegration | December 2020
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Spotlight on COVID and P/CVE
General publications26 May 2021
Spotlight on COVID and P/CVE | November 2020

COVID is a seismic global event that has dramatically changed the world we live in. The impact of the pandemic has been wideranging and far-reaching.

Beyond the effects of the virus itself, the social and economic consequences have been great.


  • Spotlight on COVID and P/CVE | November 2020
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  • Spotlight on COVID and P/CVE | November 2020
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