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Migration and Home Affairs
2 July 2024

Team TER (Terrorists, Extremists and Radicals)

  • Netherlands
Target Audience
  • First responders or practitioners
  • Prison / probation
key themes association
  • Deradicalisation/disengagement
  • Prison and probation
  • 2022


The Dutch Probation Service is an independent organisation with the primary goal of shaping a safer society. The Probation Service is actively involved in the criminal justice process; when an offender is detained, it plays an advisory and supervisory role during the court session and the detention period. Judicial, municipal, prison and police authorities cooperate to prevent offenders from reoffending. 

Probation workers provide advisory services to the Office of the Public Prosecutor and the Judiciary, supervise conditional sanctions and measures, and implement alternative sanctions (e.g. community services). Dutch detainees abroad receive assistance from the International Office of the Dutch Probation Service. 

In supervision, probation workers continually monitor whether offenders are honouring the agreements made. In cognitive behavioural training, offenders' motivation is increased, prosocial choices are encouraged and self-reflection is stimulated, so that behavioural change can be established.

Type of Organisation: Other

Project description

The nationally operating Team TER (Terrorists, Extremists and Radicals) helps the Dutch Probation Service prevent (further) radicalisation of Dutch probationers. It aims chiefly to disengage radicalised Muslims (mainly home-grown jihadi) and right- and left-wing extremists from radical movements using a tailor-made probation approach, and to influence their behaviour. 

Push and pull factors are used to promote behavioural change and stimulate the process of reintegration into society. The main tasks are risk management and supervision, carried out in close cooperation with partners (judicial, prison, police and municipal authorities). The team is also supported by psychological and theological experts. 

The Dutch Probation Service works with those suspected or convicted of terrorism-related offenses such as rioting, recruiting and financing. Individuals suspected or convicted of offences like attempting to travel to or return from conflict areas or preparing an attack are referred to Team TER. In addition, Team TER works with those suspected or convicted of other offences but are known to be involved in radicalisation- or terrorist-related risks. 

The team comprises 23 (internationally) trained probation officers specialised in relevant fields. They use regular probation methods of work in a judicial framework with mandated clients and make cognitive behavioural interventions.


There is a factsheet available (in Dutch), with brief information on Team TER for stakeholders.

Contact details


Reclassering Nederland
Vivaldiplantsoen 100

Telephone: (+31) 888 042 004 / (+31) 651 040 081

Read the full practice

2 JULY 2024
Team TER (Terrorists, Extremists and Radicals)