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Migration and Home Affairs
1 July 2024

LEAP communication method

  • Netherlands
  • United States
Target Audience
  • Families
  • First responders or practitioners
  • Health practitioners
key themes association
  • Deradicalisation/disengagement
  • Mental health issues
  • 2024

Project description

LEAP is an evidence-based communication programme developed by Dr Xavier Amador, an internationally renowned clinical psychologist. The communication programme is originally designed to help you create relationships with people who are unable to understand they are ill, with the goal of helping them accept treatment.

LEAP (Listen-Empathize-Agree-Partner) is a set of evidence-based practices that create therapeutic alliances and trusting relationships with people suffering from severe mental illness. Designed to build and strengthen mutual respect, it helps people who are non-adherent, or partially adherent, to become more cooperative and engaged in treatment and services, including medication, psychotherapy, psychosocial programmes, club houses, peer support and supervised housing.

During the COVID-19 pandemic several authors illustrated that this method could also be used to form a therapeutic alliance with radicalised individuals and conspiracy theory believers.


Amador, X., & Johanson, A.-L. (2000). I am not sick, I don’t need help! Helping the seriously mentally ill accept treatment. Vida Press.

Amador, X. (2008). I’m Right, You’re Wrong, Now What?: Break the Impasse and Get What You Need. Hachette Books.

Contact details

Contact person: Arno van Dam

Read the full practice

1 JULY 2024
LEAP communication method