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9 July 2024

Gelijk=Gelijk? (Equal=Equal?)

  • Netherlands
Target Audience
  • Educators/academics
  • Youth/pupils/students
key themes association
  • (Early) prevention
  • Social cohesion and polarisation
  • 2024


Diversion is a bureau for social innovation (social enterprise)

Based in the Netherlands, we tackle societal challenges through the development of creative concepts in the fields of education, youth literacy, youth participation, emancipation and corporate social responsibility. Through several projects in education, Diversion has mobilised young role models to engage with youth in a discussion on issues that they may find uninteresting or are associated with cultural or religious taboos or are politically sensitive (e.g. anti-Semitism; anti- Islamism; radicalisation; lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and other sexual and gender minorities (LGBTQI+); as well as disinformation, mental health and debt prevention).

Type of Organisation: For profit

Project description

Gelijk=Gelijk? is an informal educational project for primary and secondary schools, as well as vocational education. It is based on the peer education methodology and was developed in 2007 by Diversion. The programme has since been implemented all over the Netherlands, in hundreds of classrooms. 

Gelijk=Gelijk? has received several prizes, such as the CIDI Respect Award (for programmes that prevent and combat anti-Semitism), the LGBT Innovation Award by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, and the Movisie Participation Award. 

The project provides schools and educators with the tools they need to structurally address bias and discrimination. At the same time, the project mobilises a diverse group of young role models (e.g. from LGBTQI+, Jewish and Muslim communities) who want to take initiative in countering discrimination. The aim of the project is to combat discrimination, through the promotion of democratic citizenship and oral proficiency.

In three classroom sessions, three peer educators from different backgrounds address the subject of discrimination by sharing their own experiences and facilitating dialogue.

Gelijk=Gelijk? prevents and counters radicalisation by promoting tolerance and encouraging people of different backgrounds to work together. It emphasises the importance of knowing the difference between opinions, facts and prejudice. This affects not only the students and teachers in the classroom, but the peer educators as well. 

Gelijk=Gelijk? aims to develop socio-cognitive skills such as placing oneself in someone else’s shoes, acknowledging similarities amongst (groups of) people, and deciding on actions based on norms and values. It also focuses on social factors such as stimulating interethnic friendships. Gelijk=Gelijk? follows:

  • Contact hypothesis: contact between individuals from different groups leads to fewer prejudices and a more positive relationship between groups. 
  • Socialisation hypothesis: experiences, knowledge and information about diversity and diverse groups in society positively impact interethnic relations. 
  • Social-cognitive development-hypothesis: attitude towards other groups is an indicator of sociocognitive development. Polarisation declines since this development is stimulated (e.g. by learning about other groups and experiences).


This project has published several manuals describing the three peer education lessons. One is designed for the peer educators, the second is for students and the third is for teachers. 

There is also one document that combines these three manuals and is tailored for “Vreedzame Scholen” (Peaceful schools: an organisation that provides curricula, and where several schools in the Netherlands are united).

Contact details


Diversion is a bureau for social innovation (social enterprise)
Max Euweplein 36,
1017 MB, Amsterdam

Contact person: Emma van Toorn
Telephone: 020 5787997
etoornatdiversion [dot] nl (Email) | Website

Read the full practice

9 JULY 2024
Gelijk=Gelijk? (Equal=Equal?)