EMN partners - European Commission Skip to main content
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Migration and Home Affairs

The EMN engages with a multi-level network of stakeholders, encouraging information exchange and complementarity of activities and outputs on issues related to migration and asylum.

The EMN engages and collaborates with other European level institutions and other European and international organisations, particularly in relation to specific studies and policy themes.

Find a list of EMN partners below:


European Parliament

The European Parliament is the only directly elected body of the European Union. A member of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) participates in EMN meetings.

Visit the European Parliament website

EUAA logo

European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA)

The European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) plays a key role in the implementation of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS), fostering cooperation with and between Member States. EUAA also provides the necessary support to translate into practice the core values of the CEAS- equity and fairness- and to ensure that individual asylum cases are dealt with in a coherent way by all Member States.

Visit the EUAA website




Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union situated in Luxembourg. Its mission is to provide high quality statistics on Europe.

Visit the Eurostat website


Frontex logo


The mission of Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, is to promote, coordinate and develop European border management in line with the EU Fundamental Rights Charter and the concept of Integrated Border Management.

Visit the Frontex website



Join Research Centre (JRC)

The JRC is the European Commission's science and knowledge service which employs scientists to carry out research in order to provide independent scientific advice as well as support to EU policy. The EMN works closely with the JRC Knowledge Centre on Migration and Development (KCMD).

Visit the JRC website



European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA)

The EU’s Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) is the EU’s centre of fundamental rights expertise. The Agency assists EU institutions and EU Member States in understanding and tackling challenges to safeguard the fundamental rights of everyone in the EU through the collection and analysis of data in the EU.

Visit the FRA website