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Migration and Home Affairs


In the EU migration context, a worker whose presence in the territory of an EU Member State is strictly limited in duration and closely connected with increasing their skills and qualifications in their chosen profession before returning to their own countries to pursue their careers.


Council Resolution of 20 June 1994 on limitation on admission of third-country nationals to the territory of the Member States for employment


  • BG: стажант
  • CS: stážista
  • DE: Auszubildender
  • EL: εκπαιδευόμενος
  • EN: trainee
  • ES: persona en prácticas
  • ET: praktikant
  • FI: harjoittelija
  • FR: stagiaire
  • GA: duine faoi oiliúint
  • HR: pripravnik
  • HU: gyakornok
  • IT: tirocinante / apprendista
  • LT: stažuotojas
  • LV: stažieris
  • MT: Persuna titħarreġ / fuq taħriġ
  • NL: stagiair
  • PL: stażysta
  • PT: estagiário / formando
  • RO: stagiar
  • SK: stážista
  • SL: pripravnik
  • SV: praktikant
  • NO: praktikant
  • KA: სტაჟიორი
  • UK: стажер
  • HY: փորձնակ (պրակտիկանտ)

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