In the migration context, person who procures, usually for financial, material or other gain, with little or no regard for migrants' safety and well-being, the irregular entry of a migrant into a country of which they are neither nationals nor residents.
Derived by EMN from Art. 3 of UN Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air, supplementing the UN Convention against Transnational Organised Crime.
- BG: контрабандист (на мигранти)
- CS: převaděčství migrantů
- DE: Schleuser
- EL: διακινητής παράνομων μεταναστών
- EN: smuggler
- ES: n/a
- ET: inimsmugeldaja
- FI: ihmissalakuljettaja
- FR: passeur; trafiquant (de migrants) (FR)
- GA: smuigléir daoine
- HR: krijumčar
- HU: csempész
- IT: trafficante
- LT: neteisėtai žmones gabenantis asmuo
- LV: kontrabandists
- MT: Kuntrabandist(a) / Kuntrabandisti
- NL: mensensmokkelaar
- PL: przemytnik
- PT: contrabandista de pessoas
- RO: n/a
- SK: prevádzačstvo migrantov
- SL: tihotapec
- SV: människosmugglare
- NO: menneskesmugler
- KA: (სახელმწიფო) საზღვარზე მიგრანტთა უკანონოდ გადამყვანი
- UK: особа, що займається незаконним ввезенням
- HY: մաքսանենգ ճանապարհով միգրանտներ տեղափոխող անձ
Broader Term(s)
Related Term(s)
- Even though both terms are closely linked to each other and relate to the phenomenon of irregular migration, there is a difference between a smuggler and a facilitator.
- Smuggler is the narrower concept and means a person who enables the transport of a person (with their consent) to another country through illegal means. A smuggler facilitates the irregular entry, in breach of immigration law, either clandestinely or through deception or the use of false documentation. This can result in a benefit for the smuggler. The person smuggled will be complicit, often paying large amounts of money to be transported, and once in the country they wish to enter will be left to their own devices, (Source: IATE, entry for smuggler)
- Facilitator is the broader concept, as they provide services beyond the unauthorized entry of a migrant into a country. For more information see the entry for facilitator in this glossary.