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- In the global context, a coordinated activity undertaken in partnership with United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and other NGOs that includes specific processes like the identification in the field of refugees in need of resettlement, to screening, processing, reception and integration.
- In the EU context, voluntary programmes by which EU Member States aim to provide international protection and durable solutions in their territories to refugees and displaced persons identified as eligible for resettlement by UNHCR, and which include actions that the Member States implement to assess the resettlement needs and transfer the persons concerned to their territories, with a view to granting them a secure legal status and to promoting their effective integration.
- BG: програма за презаселване
- CS: přesídlovací program
- DE: Neuansiedlungsprogramm
- EL: πρόγραμμα επανεγκατάστασης
- EN: resettlement programme
- ES: programa de reasentamiento
- ET: ümberasustamisprogramm
- FI: uudelleensijoittamisohjelma
- FR: programme de réinstallation
- GA: clár athlonnaithe
- HR: program preseljenja
- HU: áttelepítési program
- IT: programma di reinsediamento
- LT: perkėlimo programa
- LV: pārmitināšanas programma
- MT: Programm ta’ risistemazzjoni
- NL: hervestigingsprogramma
- PL: Program Przesiedleń
- PT: programa de reinstalação
- RO: program de relocare
- SK: presídľovací program / program presídľovania
- SL: program preselitve
- SV: program för vidarebosättning
- NO: gjenbosettingsprogram (b); gjenbusetjingsprogram (n)
- KA: (მესამე ქვეყნიდან ევროკავშირში) განსახლების პროგრამა
- UK: програма переселення
- HY: վերաբնակեցման ծրագիր
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