- In the global context, refusal of entry of a person who does not fulfil all the entry conditions laid down in the national legislation of the country for which entry is requested.
- In the EU context, refusal of entry of a third-country national at the external EU border because they do not fulfil all the entry conditions laid down in Art. 65(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/399 (Schengen Borders Code) and do not belong to the categories of persons referred to in Art. 6(5) of that Regulation.
- Global context: Developed by EMN
- EU context: Derived by EMN from the definition for ‘third-country nationals refused entry’ in Art. 2(q) of Regulation (EC) No 862/2007 (Migration Statistics Regulation)
- BG: отказ за влизане
- CS: odmítnutí vstupu
- DE: Verweigerung der Einreise (EU acquis); Einreiseverbot (DE)
- EL: απαγόρευση εισόδου
- EN: refusal of entry
- ES: denegación de entrada
- ET: sisenemiskeeld / isiku riiki mittelubamine
- FI: käännyttäminen / pääsyn epääminen
- FR: refus d'entrée
- GA: náisiúnaigh tríú tír ar diúltaíodh iontráil dóibh
- HR: odbijanje ulaska
- HU: beléptetés megtagadása
- IT: respingimento (rifiuto di ingresso)
- LT: neįleidimas
- LV: ieceļošanas atteikums
- MT: Dħul miċħud / Tbarrija
- NL: toegangsweigering
- PL: odmowa wjazdu
- PT: recusa de entrada a nacional de estado terceiro
- RO: refuzarea intrării
- SK: odopretie vstupu
- SL: zavrnitev vstopa
- SV: nekad inresa
- NO: innreisenekt
- KA: უარი შესვლაზე
- UK: відмова у в’їзді
- HY: մուտքի արգելք