legal entry - European Commission
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In the global context , the entry of an alien into a foreign country in compliance with the necessary requirements for legal entry into the receiving State.
In the Schengen context , and for a stay not exceeding three months per six-month period, the entry of a third-country national into a Schengen Member State in compliance with Art. 5 of the Regulation (EU) 2016/399 (Schengen Borders Code) .
BG: законно влизане
CS: oprávněný vstup
DE: legale Einreise
EL: νόμιμη είσοδος
EN: legal entry
ES: entrada legal
ET: seaduslik (riiki) sisenemine
FI: laillinen maahantulo
FR: entrée légale
GA: iontráil dhleathach
HR: zakoniti ulazak
HU: legális beutazás / belépés
IT: ingresso autorizzato
LT: teisėtas atvykimas
LV: likumīga ieceļošana
MT: Dħul legali
NL: legale binnenkomst / regelmatige binnenkomst
PL: legalny wjazd
PT: entrada legal
RO: intrare legală
SK: oprávnený vstup / legálny vstup
SL: zakoniti vstop
SV: laglig inresa
NO: lovlig innreise (b); lovleg innreise (n)
KA : ლეგალური შესვლა
UK : легальний в’їзд
HY: օրինական մուտք
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