international protection - European Commission
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In the global context, the actions by the international community on the basis of international law, aimed at protecting the fundamental rights of a specific category of persons outside their countries of origin, who lack the national protection of their own countries.

In the EU context, protection that encompasses refugee status and subsidiary protection status.


Global context: Derived by EMN from UNHCR Master Glossary of Terms.

EU context: Derived by EMN from Art. 2(a) of Directive 2011/95/EC (Recast Qualification Directive)


  • BG: международна закрила
  • CS: mezinárodní ochrana
  • DE: internationaler Schutz
  • EL: διεθνής προστασία
  • EN: international protection
  • ES: protección (internacional)
  • ET: rahvusvaheline kaitse
  • FI: kansainvälinen suojelu
  • FR: protection internationale
  • GA: cosaint idirnáisiúnta
  • HR: međunarodna zaštita
  • HU: nemzetközi védelem
  • IT: protezione internazionale
  • LT: tarptautinė apsauga (EU acquis); prieglobstis
  • LV: starptautiskā aizsardzība
  • MT: Protezzjoni internazzjonali
  • NL: internationale bescherming
  • PL: ochrona międzynarodowa
  • PT: proteção internacional
  • RO: protecţie internaţională
  • SK: medzinárodná ochrana
  • SL: mednarodna zaščita
  • SV: internationellt skydd
  • NO: internasjonal beskyttelse (b); internasjonalt vern (n)
  • KA: საერთაშორისო დაცვა
  • UK: міжнародний захист
  • HY: միջազգային պաշտպանություն

Broader Term(s)

Narrower Term(s)

Related Term(s)


  1. An essential element of the common asylum policy of the European Union and the Common European Asylum System is the concept of international protection. It is based, on the one hand, on the full and inclusive application of the Geneva Refugee Convention and Protocol, thus ensuring that nobody is sent back to persecution, i.e. maintaining the principle of non-refoulement, and on the other hand complimented by subsidiary protection for those people not falling under the scope of the Geneva Convention but nevertheless in need of protection from threats to life, freedom or physical integrity arising from armed conflict, serious public disorder, or different situations of violence.
  2. The new form of subsidiary protection was introduced on the European Council meeting, 15 and 16 October 1999 in Tampere as a reaction to the Yugoslavian wars. For more information see the Presidency Conclusions.
  3. Directive 2011/95/EU (Recast Qualification Directive) as the cornerstone of the CEAS sets out the criteria for applicants to qualify for refugee status or subsidiary protection status and sets out the rights afforded to persons who have been granted one of those statuses. They include the right to a residence permit, travel document, access to employment, access to education, social welfare, healthcare, access to accommodation, access to integration facilities, as well as specific provisions for children and vulnerable persons. The directive allows EU Member States to put in place or to keep more favourable standards than those set out in its provisions.
  4. The concept of international protection within the meaning of Directive 2011/95/EU (Recast Qualification Directive) does not lead to the granting of an 'international protection status' but either to refugee status or to subsidiary protection status