Global Approach to Migration and Mobility (GAMM) - European Commission Skip to main content
Migration and Home Affairs

Global Approach to Migration and Mobility (GAMM)


The overarching framework of the European Union’s external migration policy based on genuine partnership with non-EU countries and addressing all aspects of migration and mobility issues in an integrated, comprehensive and balanced manner.


Communication on the Global Approach to Migration and Mobility, COM(2011) 743 final


  • BG: Глобален подход към миграцията и мобилността
  • CS: Globální přístup k migraci a mobilitě
  • DE: Gesamtansatz für Migration und Mobilität
  • EL: Σφαιρική Προσέγγιση της Μετανάστευσης και της Κινητικότητας
  • EN: Global Approach to Migration and Mobility (GAMM)
  • ES: Enfoque Global de la Migración
  • ET: globaalne lähenemine rändele ja rahvastiku liikuvusele
  • FI: maahanmuuttoa koskeva kokonaisvaltainen lähestymistapa
  • FR: approche globale de la question des migrations et de la mobilité
  • GA: Cur Chuige Domhanda i leith Imirce agus Soghluaisteachta
  • HR: Globalni pristup migracijama i mobilnosti (GAMM)
  • HU: a migráció és mobilitás átfogó globális megközelítése
  • IT: Approccio globale in materia di migrazione e mobilità
  • LT: Visuotinis požiūris į migraciją ir mobilumą
  • LV: vispārēja pieeja migrācijai un mobilitātei
  • MT: Approċċ Globali għall-Migrazzjoni u l-Mobilità
  • NL: totaalaanpak van migratie en mobiliteit
  • PL: Globalne Podejście do Migracji i Mobilności
  • PT: Abordagem Global da Migração e Mobilidade
  • RO: Abordarea Globală a migraţiei şi Mobilitate
  • SK: Globálny prístup k migrácii a mobilite / GPMM
  • SL: Globalni pristop k migraciji in mobilnosti
  • SV: den övergripande strategin för migration och rörlighet / GAMM
  • NO: global tilnærming til migrasjon og mobilitet
  • KA: გლობალური მიდგომა მიგრაციისა და მობილობისადმი (GAMM)
  • UK: Глобальний підхід до міграції та мобільності (GAMM)
  • HY: Միգրացիայի և Շարժունակության համաշխարհային մոտեցում


  • GAMM
  • Global Approach to Migration
  • GAM

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1. The Global Approach to Migration (GAM) was first defined by the European Council in December 2005 (COM(2007) 247) and further developed in 2007 and 2008. It has constituted the framework for the cooperation of the EU with third countries in the area of migration and asylum. The Stockholm Programme adopted in 2009 also acknowledged the importance of consolidating, strengthening and implementing the GAM.
2. The approach comprises the whole migration agenda, including legal and irregular migration, combating trafficking in human beings and smuggling of migrants, strengthening protection for refugees , enhancing migrant rights and harnessing the positive links that exist between migration and development.
3. In 2011, the global approach was evaluated. As a result of this, the Commission highlighted the need for further strengthening the external migration policy and published in November 2011 the Communication on the Global Approach to Migration and Mobility, COM(2011) 743 final on a new impetus to the EU’s external migration policy. The renewed GAMM focuses on four main priorities: improving the organisation of legal migration and facilitated mobility, preventing and reducing irregular migration in an efficient, yet humane way, strengthening the synergies between migration and development, and strengthening international protection systems and the external dimension of asylum.
4. The European Agenda for Migration 2015 and the New Pact on Migration and Asylum 2020 further strenghtened the external dimension of the EU migration and asylum policy by building on current EU migration partnership frameworks while at the same time reinforcing them through 'tailor-made partnerships' with third countries with a view to ensuring effective returns, combating irregular migration and smuggling of migrants more effectively, and developing legal migration channels.