- In the global context, a person who is not a national (native or citizen) of a given State.
- In the EU context, a person who is not a national of an EU Member State.
- Global context: Derived by EMN from IOM Glossary on Migration, 2019.
- EU context: Schengen acquis
- BG: чужденец
- CS: cizinec
- DE: Ausländer
- EL: αλλοδαπός
- EN: alien
- ES: extranjero
- ET: välismaalane
- FI: ulkomaalainen
- FR: étranger
- GA: eachtrannach
- HR: stranac
- HU: külföldi
- IT: straniero
- LT: užsienietis
- LV: ārzemnieks
- MT: Persuna barranija / għariba
- NL: vreemdeling
- PL: cudzoziemiec
- PT: estrangeiro
- RO: străin
- SK: cudzinec
- SL: tujec
- SV: utlänning
- NO: utlending / utenlandsk borger (b); utlending / utanlandsk borgar (n)
- KA: უცხოელი
- UK: іноземець
- HY: օտարերկրացի
- foreigner
- non-citizen
- non-national
Related Term(s)
- The more frequently used term in the EU context is third-country national.