Border management - European Commission Skip to main content
Migration and Home Affairs

The objective of security research and innovation in the field of EU Border Management (BM) is to promote the European integrated border management, which includes border control, risk analysis, information exchange, inter-agency cooperation, the use of state-of-the-art technology including large-scale information systems and the compliance with fundamental rights, among others.

This includes investing in research and innovation that can lead to improved capabilities for checks of persons and for the flow of goods at the external borders that prevent and address cross-border crime, terrorism and illegal activities, while at the same time facilitating the travels of legitimate passengers. It also includes developing technologies for improved border surveillance, improved travel document security, improved detection of risks and operational response to incidents at borders, and improved maritime security.

The results of research and innovation should support the capabilities of the European Border and Coast Guard, consisting of Member States’ national authorities responsible for border management and the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex), European customs, and the European maritime operators, as well as support the interoperability of future relevant IT systems. All innovations should embed and promote the respect of fundamental rights and potential vulnerabilities of groups and individuals.

The CERIS EU Border Management (BM) provides a platform bringing together different stakeholders, technical experts and policymakers working on innovation in the area of border management. Events create a space to share information, discuss challenges and opportunities from different ongoing EU projects, and build synergies with other relevant innovation coming from within or beyond the EU. They are also useful for bringing together different interested parties on innovation for border management and/or those working in related areas such as customs, supply chains, and maritime subject matters. In addition, the platform offers the opportunity to gather information from training, demonstration or capacity building initiatives in this area. It comprises policymakers, scientists, practitioners, SMEs/industry, and civil society, and enables discussion on horizontally operational, technical, and societal aspects – including on how innovation can improve the safeguarding of fundamental rights in the border management context.

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