Part of the ISF Borders and Visa fund is managed by the Commission (direct and indirect management) through Union Actions, which include Calls for Proposals, Procurement, Direct Awards and Delegation Agreements.
How does it work?
For these actions the Commission approves Annual Work Programmes that define the priorities and objectives for each year, including the priorities for the Calls for Proposals
Annual Work Programmes - Union actions and emergency assistance
Awarded projects
- Emergency Assistance under ISFB up to 31/12/2015 - List of proposals selected for funding
- Emergency Assistance under ISFB up to 31/12/2016 - List of proposals selected for funding
- Emergency Assistance under ISFB up to 31/12/2017 - List of proposals selected for funding
- Emergency Assistance under ISFB up to 31/12/2018 - List of proposals selected for funding
- Projects awarded under the ISFB 2016 Programme
- ISFB - List of proposals selected for funding during 2018
- Annex to the Commission Implementing Decision concerning the adoption of the work programme for 2017 and the financing for the emergency assistance within the framework of the Internal Security Fund.