Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (2021-2027) - European Commission Skip to main content
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  • 17 January 2025

Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (2021-2027)

Funded actions under AMIF

Actions funded through AMIF can include a wide range of initiatives, such as:

  • ensuring a uniform application of the EU “acquis” (common set of rules) and priorities related to the Common European Asylum System, legal migration and return
  • providing support and services consistent with the status and the needs of the person concerned, in particular vulnerable groups
  • supporting resettlement, humanitarian admission and transfers of applicants for and beneficiaries of international protection
  • supporting the development and implementation of policies promoting legal migration, such as the development of mobility schemes to the EU and raising awareness of the appropriate legal channels for immigration
  • supporting integration measures tailored to the needs of third-country nationals and early integration programmes focusing on education, language and other training (such as civic orientation courses and professional guidance) to prepare their active participation in and their acceptance by the receiving society
  • supporting infrastructures for the reception of third country nationals, including the possible joint use of such facilities by more than one Member State
  • supporting an integrated and coordinated approach to return management at the EU and Member States’ level, development of capacities for effective and sustainable return and reducing incentives for irregular migration
  • supporting assisted voluntary return and reintegration
  • cooperating with third countries on asylum, legal migration and countering irregular migration and on effective return and readmission for the purpose of managing migration

Implementation of the Fund

AMIF is implemented under:

The largest share will be allocated to the national programmes under shared management.

Thematic Facility

Building on the implementation of the 2014-2020 multi-annual financial framework, the Fund will introduce more flexibility with part of the funding dedicated to a Thematic Facility. With this instrument, funds can be allocated to emerging or unforeseen needs and steered towards the changing EU priorities and evolving challenges.

Funding under the Thematic Facility will be allocated during the programming period through:

  • Shared management: including resettlement and humanitarian admission, transfers of beneficiaries of/applicants for international protection.
  • Direct management: including Union Actions, Emergency Assistance, support for local and regional authorities in integration.
  • Indirect management: including Union Actions and Emergency Assistance through international organisations.

Union Actions comprise Calls for Proposals, procurement, direct awards and delegation agreements.

For the components of the Thematic Facility, the Commission approves Work Programmes defining the priorities and objectives:

In accordance with the 2021-22 Work Programme, DG HOME has managed and launched a standing call for the submission of requests for additional funding through EU action grants: Union Action to Support Reception, Asylum and Return Systems under Pressure.

AMIF beneficiaries

Examples of beneficiaries of the programmes implemented under AMIF can be:

  • state and federal authorities
  • local public bodies
  • non-governmental organisations
  • humanitarian organisations
  • private and public law companies
  • education and research organisations

Ireland and Denmark

Following Ireland’s formal notification of 7 February 2022 to opt-in for participating in AMIF, the Commission confirmed the participation of Ireland in AMIF in Decision (EU) 2022/507 of 29 March 2022. Ireland therefore participates in AMIF as of 7 February 2022. Irish beneficiaries are thus eligible alongside other EU countries, apart from Denmark who is not taking part in AMIF, in accordance with Articles 1 and 2 of Protocol No 22 on the position of Denmark, annexed to the Treaty of the European Union (TEU) and to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).

Associated countries

Third countries - non-EU countries, may be associated to AMIF and eligible for financing, if they have signed an agreement with the EU on the criteria and mechanisms for establishing the EU country who will be responsible for examining an asylum request lodged in an EU country or lodged in that third country.

The specific agreement covering the participation of a third country in AMIF, shall at minimum:

  • enable cooperation with the EU country and the EU institutions, bodies, offices and agencies in the area of asylum, migration and return in the spirit of the principle of solidarity and fair sharing of responsibility
  • be underpinned, throughout the duration of the Fund, by the principles of non-refoulement, democracy, the rule of law and respect for human rights
  • ensure a fair balance as regards the contributions made by, and the benefits received by, the third country participating in the Fund
  • lay down the conditions of participation in the Fund, including the calculation of financial contributions to the Fund, and its administrative costs
  • not confer on the third country any decision-making power in respect of the Fund
  • guarantee the rights of the EU to ensure sound financial management and to protect its financial interests
  • provide that the third country grants the necessary rights and access required for the authorising officer responsible, OLAF and the Court of Auditors

In addition, the third country’s participation should also be covered by the annual or multi-annual work programme of AMIF.

Currently, there are no countries associated or are negotiating their association to AMIF. However, as per article 24 of the AMIF Regulation a legal entity of a third country listed in the work programme is eligible, if it is part of a consortium of at least two independent entities, one of which is established in an EU country. The action in which it participates should comply with the principles enshrined in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and contribute to the achievement of the objectives of AMIF.

Annual Performance Reports from the Member State programmes

Starting in 2023 and for every subsequent year, all the Member States participating in the AMIF are required to submit to the European Commission an annual performance report providing information on the progress of their shared management programme. The scope of the report is defined by article 35 of the AMIF Regulation and detailed in the related Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/169. This report complements with qualitative information the periodic quantitative reporting on the progress that is made by all Managing Authorities (available on the Open Data Platform). The report helps to assess the programme’s performance, any issues affecting it as well as the related remedy strategies. In addition, its information feeds into the evaluation cycle and helps the Commission in its supervisory role.

Before its submission, the report must be approved by the Monitoring Committee of Member State programme. This process creates an opportunity to systematically assess and discuss the programme’s implementation among its key stakeholders.

In line with article 35(2) of the AMIF regulation, the Commission ensures that the summaries of the annual performance reports provided by the Member States are translated in all EU languages and made publicly available.

Summaries of the reports submitted in 2023