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Migration and Home Affairs
6 June 2024

Legal migration and integration

Legal migration is part of a balanced common EU migration policy from which migrants, countries of origin, and countries of destination benefit. It gives people who plan to migrate an opportunity to improve their circumstances. At the same time, it helps host countries to address labour market needs.

Legal migration is also an investment in the economy and the society. It supports the EU’s green and digital transition, while contributing to making European societies more cohesive and resilient.  

Organising legal migration better

Proposals to modernise EU’s legal migration policy

On 27 April 2022, the Commission presented a Communication setting out an approach towards a new and sustainable EU legal migration policy, attracting the skills and talent that the EU needs to address labour shortages and reply to the demographic change in Europe. On the same day, the Commission also presented a proposals to modernise the Long-term residents Directive and the Single Permit Directive. The main objectives of these recasts are to:

  • reduce costs and the administrative burden for employers
  • prevent labour exploitation
  • support further integration and mobility within the EU of nationals of non-EU countries that are already residing and working in the EU

EU Talent Pool and its pilot initiative

In the Communication on Attracting skills and talent, the Commission proposed to establish the first EU-wide labour platform and matching tool - the EU Talent Pool. It will help make the EU more attractive for nationals from non-EU countries and to address the challenge of matching EU employers with the talent they are unable to find in the EU’s labour market.

The EU Talent Pool will be an EU-wide pool of candidates from non-EU countries. Candidates will be selected on the basis of specific skill levels, criteria and migration requirements following a screening of candidates’ credentials. The Communication presents key features of the pool, building on the OECD studies:

EU immigration Portal

The EU Immigration Portal, launched in November 2011, provides hands-on information for foreign nationals interested in moving to the EU. The site is also directed at migrants who are already in the EU and would like to move from one EU State to another. It provides specific practical information about procedures in all 27 EU States for each category of migrants.

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As emphasised in the Pact on Migration and Asylum, a successful integration and inclusion policy is an essential part of a well-managed and effective migration and asylum policy.


Labour immigration has a key role to play in driving economic development in the long term and in addressing current and future demographic challenges in the EU.

Family reunification

Family reunification Directive establishes the rules under which non-EU nationals can bring their family members to the EU country in which they are legally residing.

Study and research

Students and researchers Directive sets the conditions of admission and rights of non-EU nationals for the purposes of research, studies, training and voluntary service.

Long-term residents

Directive on the status of non-EU nationals who are long-term residents sets the conditions under which non-EU nationals can obtain the status of long-term residents.

man accompanying migrant to safety

Resettlement means the admission of non-EU nationals in need of international protection from a non-EU country to which they have been displaced to an EU country where they are granted protection.

Seven EU directives govern admission to and residence in the EU for non-EU migrants, and these laws cover a large part of the migrants arriving to or staying in the EU for work, study or to join family members.

The Talent Partnerships will enhance legal pathways to the EU, while engaging partner countries strategically on migration management.

The European Migration Forum (EMF) is a platform for dialogue between civil society organisations and European Institutions on topics related to immigration, asylum and integration.

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