Resettlement and humanitarian admission mean the admission of non-EU nationals in need of international protection from a non-EU country to which they have been displaced to an EU country where they are granted protection. These are safe and legal alternatives to irregular journeys and a demonstration of European solidarity with non-EU countries hosting large numbers of persons fleeing war or persecution. Resettlement is based on referrals by the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR). Humanitarian admission is based, when requested by the Member States, on referrals by the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA), the UNHCR, or another relevant international body.
Resettlement and humanitarian admission schemes
Since 2015, EU-sponsored resettlement schemes, involving a significant number of EU countries, have helped more than 119,000 of the most vulnerable people in need of international protection find shelter in the EU. In addition, since 2021, Member States have reported almost 47,000 humanitarian admission arrivals.
Resettlement is an important element of the EU-Turkey Statement. Since March 2016, more than 40,000 Syrians have been resettled to EU countries.
To move from ad hoc resettlement schemes to schemes that operate on the basis of a stable framework, the Commission proposed a regulation in 2016 establishing a Union Resettlement Framework to provide safe and legal pathways to international protection as part of the overhaul of the EU asylum system. The adoption of the regulation is pending.
In addition to resettlement and humanitarian admission schemes, the EU promotes other complementary pathways to protection linked to education and work. Moreover, the EU promotes community sponsorship schemes to give civil society organisations, communities and groups of individuals a stronger, more structured role in the reception and integration of refugees arriving through the above-mentioned legal pathways.
The European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) supports EU countries in the implementation of their resettlement programmes including through the Resettlement and Humanitarian Admission Network, which was created in January 2020.
17 EU Member States pledged more than 29,000 places for resettlement and humanitarian admission for 2023, including continued and expanded support to Afghans in need of protection. You can find the detailed overview.
Under the 2024-2025 EU Resettlement and Humanitarian admission scheme, 14 EU Member States provided 61,000 pledges for resettlement and humanitarian admission. Please read a detailed overview.
High-level related events
High-level Forum on legal pathways to protection (online), 29 November 2022
Commissioner Johansson convened the high-level Forum on legal pathways to protection to exchange with Member States, international partners, international organisations and other high-level participants on resettlement and humanitarian admission efforts. The discussion focused on complementary pathways linked to work for people in need of international protection.
More information about the High-level Forum on legal pathways to protection
- The event was recorded.
- Read the press release that followed the event.
High-level Resettlement Forum (online), 9 July 2021
On 9 July 2021, Commissioner Johansson convened a high-level Resettlement Forum with Representatives of the European Union, the United States of America, the Government of Canada, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and civil society representatives with a view to stepping up resettlement and complementary pathways through joint leadership. Read the statement.
Related documents
- Commission Recommendation (EU) 2020/1364 on legal pathways to protection in the EU: promoting resettlement, humanitarian admission and other complementary pathways
- Commission Recommendation (EU) 2017/1803 on enhancing legal pathways for persons in need of international protection
- Council Conclusions on resettling through multilateral and national schemes 20 000 persons in clear need of international protection
Related links
- #TimeToDeliverMigrationEU No.9 - Time to show democratic leadership by providing international protection. High-level Forum on resettlement and refugee protection (9th July)
- Factsheet: Delivering on resettlement, October 2019
- Factsheet: Delivering on resettlement, June 2019
- European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA)