Supporting action: training, funding, research and innovation - European Commission Skip to main content
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Supporting action: training, funding, research and innovation

In addition to providing a long-term strategic framework and encouraging information exchange and operational cooperation, the Commission supports security-related actions through training, funding, and research and innovation.


The EU Agency for law enforcement training (CEPOL) develops, coordinates, and implements training and learning activities for law enforcement officers on vital issues for the security of the EU and its citizens.

Training topics range from leadership to law enforcement techniques, from EU cooperation to economic crime, and from pre-deployment to capacity building.

CEPOL courses are designed to facilitate knowledge and best practices sharing and to contribute to a common European law enforcement culture. They are based on a strategic training needs assessment.


The Internal Security Fund (ISF) provides EU countries with financial support to ensure progress towards policy objectives and to address important challenges in the area of internal security.

The ISF covers the period 2014-20 and its total budget amounts to approximately € 3.8 billion.

Other financial programmes, such as Horizon 2020, the European Social Fund (ESF), the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF), and financial instruments for external action can also serve to support the priorities of the European agenda on security.

Research and innovation

Horizon 2020 is the EU’s research and innovation programme for the period 2014-20.

It includes a section on security research and innovation, which can be used to finance research and innovation projects in the area of internal security.

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