Fight Against Crime & Terrorism

Automatic non-destructive recognition of used printing techniques on substrates
ANDRUPOS extracts biometrics properties of printed documents like printing technique, paper, printer leading to the source that was used to create the document. It eases and reduces inspection effort on forensic document examination providing in addition a central database containing information about printing technologies and printers. Questioned documents can be examined for evidence of fraud like alterations, erasures or page substitutions. Due to the widespread use of printing machines for document forgery, printed document examination is s an extreme valuable information in lots of cases.
Web site:

Analysis System for Gathered Raw Data
ASGARD aims to contribute to LEA (Law Enforcement Agencies) Technological Autonomy, by building a sustainable, long-lasting community for LEAs and the Research & Development industry. This community will develop, maintain and evolve a best-of-class tool set for the extraction, fusion, exchange and analysis of Big Data, including cyber-offense data for forensic investigation. ASGARD will help LEAs to significantly increase their analytical capabilities. Forensics being a focus of ASGARD, both intelligence and foresight dimensions are addressed by the project.
Web site:

Automated Serious Game Scenario Generator for Mixed Reality Training
AUGGMED has developed a prototype of a serious game platform for single- and team-based training of law enforcement and first responders from different organisations responding to terrorist and organised crime threats. The platform allows training in non-linear scenarios tailored to suit the needs of individual trainees with learning outcomes that will improve the acquisition of emotional management, analytical thinking, problem solving and decision making skills. The game scenarios include advanced simulations of agents and citizens within realistic environments.
Web site:

Live streaming Body worn video evidential Gathering system
Audax® have been worldwide Pioneers in developing Body Worn Video technology since 2005.They were the First UK Security SME ever funded under EU H2020 & in March 2018 were winners of The Counter Terror Business Award for their 3G/4G camera system. BIO-AX®, is the next-generation complete ‘eco’ system that ‘fuses’ secure evidential video gathering with active user protection. Bio-AX® gives organisations the capability to audit their actions for compliance, and the power to deploy the correct resources with a live ‘eye and ear on the ground’ perspective.
Web site:
Project videos:

Resilience Training, Network and Evaluation
STRESAVIORA II (strengthening resilience against violent radicalisation)
The BOUNCE Resilience Trainings aim to strenghten youngsters' resilience and raise awareness among their social network in order to prevent radicalization at an early stage. Over 150 frontline workers and teachers in Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Germany and Sweden have been trained to apply the BOUNCE tools. Alongside this the project collaborates with Ghent University to measure the impact of resilience trainings on youngsters on the short-, medium- and long term. On our website we created a database, giving an overview of all existing resilience trainings in Europe.

Integrated 3D crime scene investigations based on cost-efficient 3D scanning
CSISmartScan3D combines crime scene 3D scanning and further crime scene investigation tasks in a common work flow utilizing the emerging 3D scan model. Cost-efficient support widespread use. Cutting edge methods for robust real-time 3D data fusion optimally exploit sensor capabilities. On site visualisation of the emerging model enables quality and completeness checks. Unlike current 3D scanning solutions, CSISmartScan3D does not only avoid interference with other crime scenes investigation tasks, but actively supports them through on site 3D trace documentation and measurement capabilities.

Detecting and ANalysing TErrorist-related online contents and financing activities
DANTE is delivering effective, efficient and automated data mining, analytics solutions and an integrated system to detect, retrieve, and analyse huge amounts of heterogeneous and complex multimedia and multi-language (in five languages) terrorist-related contents from both the Surface and the Deep Web, including the Dark Nets. The ultimate goal is to discover (by “connecting the dots”), analyse and monitor potential terrorist-related activities and people, with focus on online fund raising activities, but also considering propaganda, training and disinformation.
Web site:
Twitter: @h2020_Dante_eu
Dialogue about Radicalisation and Equality
Web site:

Forensic evidence gathering autonomous sensor
FORENSOR is bringing about two main innovations: (i) a CMOS imaging sensor with built-in intelligence (the Vision Chip) to filter out irrelevant events (i.e. repeating movements) and detect only moving objects of interest, such as cars, and (ii) a smart Vision Sensor – based on the Vision Chip, supporting advanced algorithms, communications etc. which can identify higher-level events of interest. In other words, FORENSOR can operate in an low-power hibernation state most of the time and be woken up by the Vision Chip for further processing only when an object of interest has been detected.
Web site:
ICDR - CounterCraft

Intelligence Campaigns in the Digital Realm
CounterCraft project
The general objective of the CounterCraft project is to accelerate the introduction of the first EU deception tool capable of detecting advanced targeted cyber-attacks, obstructing the actions of attackers and obtaining the maximum amount of information from them by successfully designing, deploying, monitoring and managing Counterintelligence Campaigns. The deception platform works despite the technical complexity of the adversaries’ intrusion and brings a welcome relief from the constant technical race between the attacker and defender.

Law Enforcement Agency's dialogue
I-LEAD focuses on working with groups of operational Law Enforcement Agencies’ (LEA) practitioners in defining their user needs and innovative solutions. This is carried out using a structured methodology with the assistance of research and industrial partners, supplemented by a broad range of committed stakeholders. It identifies priorities in five practitioner themes as well as topics which would benefit from (more) standardisation and formulate recommendations how to incorporate these in procedures. Other forms of collaboration such as PCP/PPI or Fast Track for Innovation will be examined in an effort to improve matching and uptake of novel solutions and products.
Twitter: @i_LEAD_Project

Innovation by Law Enforcement Agencies networking
ILEAnet is a network and community set up by LEA (Law Enforcement Agency) practitioners for LEA practitioners, aiming to address major current and emerging problems they face. It allows for better communication and exchanges both between the practitioner organisations and between individuals. When relevant, other carefully selected academic profiles are invited to join the network based on their expertise, ultimately creating a bridge between the LEAs, academics, scientists, industry and policy makers. ILEAnet organised successfully its first Public Workshop on 11-13 June 2018 gathering 60 actively involved participants.
Web site:

INSIKT Intelligence
INSIKT Intelligence is a novel social data mining platform to detect & defeat online radicalisation. An early version of the platform was validated by several EU law enforcement agencies (LEAs) and consequently attracted commercial interest. Phase 2 of this project will trial the software with 4 European LEAs that are looking for effective tools to prevent radical messages from spreading and reaching people vulnerable to radicalisation. The solution will cover a wide range of social media channels, in particular new channels including Telegram and Periscope.

Mixed-reality environment for training teams in joint investigative interrogation - intelligent interrogation training simulator
LAW-TRAIN is a European Commission funded project aimed at fighting international drug-trafficking by developing a virtual investigation training system. The training system is developed in a collaborative action by universities, national governments and professional enterprises. The platform allows law enforcement units to practice the interviewing of suspects in a multicultural and virtual reality context implementing the UN approved PEACE model methodology.
Web site:
Twitter: @LawTrainH2020

Law Enforcement agencies human factor methods and Toolkit for the Security and protection of CROWDs in mass gatherings.
LETSCROWD is a security practitioner driven project wich aim is to overcome challenges preventing the effective implementation of the European Security Model with regards to mass gatherings events. This is achieved by providing security policy practitioners, and in particular LEAs, with a set of innovative outcomes: (i) A dynamic risk assessment methodology for the protection of crowds during mass gatherings centred on human factors, (ii) A policy making toolkit for the long-term and strategic decision making of security policy makers, and (iii) A set of human centred tools.

The project, lead by Efus, gathering 29 partner organisations, has strengthened the network of local authorities mobilised to prevent violent radicalisation. Thanks to European exchanges and the implementation of pilot actions, policy and methodological recommendations to implement local strategies against violent radicalisation have been developed. The project produced political recommendations included in Efus’Manifesto and a methodological guide that can be used by all local authorities willing to engage in the prevention of the phenomenon.

The emerging role of new social media in enhancing public security
MEDI@4SEC focused upon enhancing understanding of the opportunities, challenges and ethical considerations of social media use for public security: the good, the bad and the ugly. The good comprises using social media for problem solving, fighting crime and decreasing fear of crime. The bad is the increase of digitised criminality and terrorism with new phenomena emerging through the use of social media. The ugly comprises the grey areas where trolling, cyberbullying, or live video-sharing of tactical security operations are phenomena to deal with during incidents.
Twitter: @media4sec

Sewage Monitoring System for Tracking Synthetic Drug Laboratories
The aim of microMOLE is to develop and test a prototype of a sensor system for legal recording, retrieving and monitoring operations of Amphetamine Type Stimulants (ATS) and ATS precursor laboratories in cities. The system will be installed within the sewage system and will track waste associated to ATS production. Criminal investigators and forensic specialists will use the system in case of strong suspicions that in a well confined area ATS is being produced, for collecting material for forensic analysis and potential use in court, and for aiding in the planning of LEA raid operations.

Policy Recommendation and Improved Communication Tools for Law Enforcement and Security Agencies Preventing Violent Radicalisation
Pericles aims to develop a comprehensive approach to prevent and counter violent radicalisation and extremism. So far, it has surveyed selected European countries to provide an inventory of programmes and projects involved in extremism prevention. Results from gap analyses and stakeholder interviews support findings that more evaluations are needed to enhance the effectiveness of existing instruments, and that evidence-based results should be effectively communicated to stakeholders. Current activities in Pericles are centred on mapping the needs of European law enforcement agencies and conducting interviews with family members, convicted terrorists, and former radicals.

Internet Forensic Platform for tracking the money flow of financially motivated malware
The overall objective of RAMSES is to design and develop a holistic, intelligent, scalable and modular platform for LEAs (Law Enforcement Agencies) to facilitate digital Forensic Investigations. The system will extract, analyse, link and interpret information extracted from Internet related with financially motivated malware.
Web site:

Struggling against and Pursuing Experienced Criminal Teams Roaming in Europe
The ISF project SPECTRE aims at providing investigators with financial support and innovative means to identify and dismantle Mobile Organised Crime Groups (MOCGs). The budget made available, has already allowed the organisation of 16 operational meetings, 1 training on special tactics, 1 seminar and 4 workshops. After twelve months of activity, 68 serious crime investigations are being carried out. The financing of operational meetings and deployment of innovative materials (GPS tracking devices, microphones, drones...) led to the dismantlement of 17 main MOCGs, 189 arrests and 1,7 M€ of seized criminal assets so far.

SURveillance Video Archives iNvestigation assisTant
The SURVANT project is devised to support the job of law enforcement and LEAs to collect video footage from heterogeneous sources installed for surveillance purposes and extracts relevant information. The system is able to support the investigators to discover suspicious criminal events in a simple and efficient way offering two intuitive and self explanatory search types: by image and by sentence; both of them are integrated with a geographical analyzer that suggests object trajectories over space and time. SURVANT reduces both human resources and time required to perform the investigations.
Web site:

Understand The Dimensions Of Organised Crime And Terrorist Networks For Developing Effective And Efficient Security Solutions For First-Line-Practitioners And Professionals
Organized Crime and Terrorist Networks (OC/TN) are a major challenge for the European Union. However, we need more knowledge in order to develop better strategies and instruments against these phenomena. TAKEDOWN aims at creating a better understanding of organized crime and terrorist networks. The consortium will develop digital and non-digital toolkits and solutions for more efficient and effective prevention, intervention and response strategies.
Twitter: @takedownproject

Retrieval & Analysis of Hetrogeneous Online Content for Terrorist Activity Recognition
Bringing together LEAs (Law Enforcement Agencies), legal experts, industry and research institutions the main objective of TENSOR is to provide LEAs with an intelligence platform to identify terrorism related content online. TENSOR will integrate automated and semi-automated tools for: 1) searching, crawling, monitoring & gathering online terrorist-generated content from the Surface and the Dark Web; 2) information extraction from multimedia and multilingual content; 3) content categorisation, filtering and analysis; 4) real-time relevant content summarisation and visualisation; 5) creation of automated audit trails; 6) privacy-by-design and data protection.
Web site:

Visual Analytics for Sense-making in Criminal Intelligence Anlaysis
VALCRI is a next-generation criminal intelligence analysis system for European LEAs. Working with three European police forces, the project developed at Technological Readiness Level -5, an integrated system of advanced data processing, analytic, and sense-making applications spanning strategic intelligence analysis to individual case management. Evaluated by 219 users across 50 agencies in 16 countries, it is undergoing trials with actual data at two major police forces. Various VALCRI technologies and non-software outcomes are being commercialised.
Web site:

Network of Excellence for Research in Violent Online Political Extremism
VOX-Pol is a robust partnering, research, training, and dissemination network that has as its core function comprehensive research, analysis, debate, and critique of issues surrounding violent online political extremism. This includes the online activity of violent jihadists, violent separatists, the extreme right, and others using the Internet, particularly social media, for forwarding their violent politics. Contributors to the network include academic researchers, policymakers, law enforcement, internet companies, and civil society actors.
Twitter: / @VOX_Pol
Border Security

Effective Container inspection at border control points
C-BORD has developed and tested a modular system of new and enhanced technologies for the Non-Intrusive Inspection (NII) of cargo containers. The system is adaptable to different types of border checkpoints and with a single user interface for Customs decision-making. The system combines X-ray, Passive Radiation Detection, Evaporation Based Detection, Tagged Neutron and Photo-fission. The main objective of C-BORD is to demonstrate that the complementary technologies used in combination can provide more complete information to the customs analyst, thus reducing false alarm rates and the unnecessary opening of containers.
CORE will show how protecting and securing the Global Supply Chain, and reducing its vulnerability to disruption (whether caused by natural disasters, terrorism or other forms of undesirable or illegal activity), can be done while guaranteeing the promotion of a timely and efficient flow of legitimate commerce through the European Union (EU) and other nations around the world. CORE will demonstrate that this can be done while at the same time offering tangible benefits to involved stakeholders (transaction, transport, regulatory and financial operators).
Web site:

Early Warning for Increased Situational Awareness
The objective is to provide an operational and technical framework that will increase situational awareness and improve the reaction capability of authorities surveying the external land borders of the EU. EWISA will provide an innovative system for warning about all possible threats of border control systems, equipment, tools and processes for the surveillance. Through the Pre-Operational Validation concept, the system will be tested by end-users on well-defined scenarios in four diverse geographical areas of EU external land borders, in a real operational environment for six months per deployed solution.
Linkedin :

Intelligent Portable Control System
iBorderCtrl unifies different interdisciplinary modules (ranging from biometric verification, automated deception detection, document authentication) and converges into a robust land border control platform introducing the concept of a pre-registration step. iBorderCtrl aims to increase the accuracy and efficiency of border checks and also the speed especially for bona fide travelers. A portable wearable unit, a centralized advanced analytics platform and a risk-assessment routine are considered as key aspects. iBorderCtrl already implements features planned to be included in the ETIAS System.
Twitter: @iBorderCtrl
LinkedIn: iBorderCtrl

Pervasive and UseR Focused BiomeTrics BordEr ProjeCT
PROTECT is a 3 year project researching and developing enhanced biometric-based person identification at the border. Year 1 established detailed requirements, scenarios and established the legal framework. Year 2 has resulted in the 1st fully integrated prototype functional identification system integrating innovations in contactless biometrics, next-generation ePassports and virtualization of documents using smartphones, and studied the privacy impact and ethical and societal issues. 2019 will bring a full deployment and evaluation of the operational system at both air/sea and land borders.

System for the Detection of Threat Agents for Maritime Border Surveillance
The SafeShore System tackles the current gap in maritime coastal surveillance by combining different detection methods (3D/2D LIDAR, acoustic, radio, thermal, and visual), and deploying cutting-edge advanced data fusion methodologies. Designed to operate around coastal border regions, the System can sense low altitude Unmanned Aerial Systems (drones), small vessels, and individuals approaching the shore line, and creates a continuous detection line along any sea front. SafeShore's international collaborative approach to border policing is an innovative step towards state-of-the-art crime prevention.

Smart UNattended airborne sensor Network for detection of vessels used for cross border crime and irregular entrY
SUNNY demonstrated the integration of sensors, multiple UAV platforms, and a base station with interfaces with other border control systems. Performance and qualification tests were conducted on a range of different sensor technologies, including infrared, hyper-spectral and radar sensing. The data collected from these sensors was combined in a fusion module. The solution included on-board data processing with an automated target identification module. A VR control centre was created to give full situational awareness to a user.
Critical Infrastructure Protection

Cost advantageous and scaleable drone alarm and protection system for urban contexts
MyDefence has developed the scalable anti-drone system ‘KNOX’, which monitors the airspace for malicious drones and utilizes jamming to counter the threat. The system is now being tested in a Danish prison and is soon to be installed at a Danish stadium with the support from the EU SME project. During the first year of the project, the product maturation for KNOX has involved fine-tuning the system to find specific drone signals at a stadium, where there are thousands of other signals – incl. cellular, radio, etc. It is a scalable and cost-advantageous solution, primarily intended for protection of urban spaces.
Web site:

Security, Communications, and Analysis Network
SCAAN is a field staff safety and security product developed in collaboration between IOM - The UN Migration Agency and CENTRIC at Sheffield Hallam University. It builds on IOM's global safety and security experience, on CENTRIC's experience in the design and development of situational awareness systems and tools as well as on lessons and best practices from the FP7 ATHENA project. SCAAN delivers increased levels of connectedness between humanitarians across the globe and those with a duty of care through a comprehensive mobile application and dashboard.

Shared and coHerent European Railway Protection Approach
SHERPA aims at improving the overall protection level for stations and trains in Europe against terrorist attacks by implementing multiple synergistic actions towards the relevant stakeholders, such as: providing and sharing an up-to-date knowledge base on countermeasures; defining a coherent approach for building a national security policy, strengthening co-operation among stakeholders through international trainings and other practical tools; to better help railways in coping with both present and future threats.

Smart Resilience Indicators for Smart Critical Infrastructures
The SmartResilience project provides a new methodology for assessing and managing resilience of critical infrastructures, such as energy and water supply, transportation networks and similar. The term “resilience” of an infrastructure, describes its ability to cope with possible adverse scenarios/events that can potentially lead to significant disruptions in its operation/functionality. Coping with these scenarios means preparing for them, being able to absorb/withstand their impacts, recovering optimally from their impacts and adapting to the continuously changing conditions.

Synthetic aPerture Interferometric raDiometer for sEcurity in cRitical infraStructures
Today’s technologies for security checks require infrastructures that often slow down or block the flow of people which comes in and out of a structure or a building. Thus, the French SME MC2 Technologies has developed a passive millimetre camera which is able to scan in real time and in a constant flow. This system can detect objects as small as 2 cm large, with a 2x1 m field of view from a 1 to 10 meters distance. The camera is currently deployed in China and is perfectly suited for the security of stations, metros, airport halls and more.
Website :
Maritime Security

EUCISE2020 is a Security Research project of the European FP7; it aims at achieving the pre-operational Information Sharing between the maritime authorities of the European States. The aim is to create a political, organizational and legal environment to enable information sharing across the seven relevant sectors/user communities (transport, environmental protection, fisheries control, border control, general law enforcement, customs and defense) based on existing and also on future surveillance systems/networks with a view to achieve a fully operational CISE-Common Info Sharing Environment.
Web site:

MARitime Integrated Surveillance Awareness
MARISA delivers to the security communities operating at sea a data fusion toolkit providing new means for the exploitation of large amounts of data, acquired from sensors, satellites, open and internal sources taking benefit of a seamless semantic interoperability with the existing legacy solutions available across Europe. The MARISA toolkit is in the process of completing the preliminary integration phase and will be validated through five different operational trials characterized by a geographic area, where the MARISA services will be tested, with assets coming from the end-users systems.
Web site:
Disaster Resilient Societies

Forest Fire Fighting Management Support System
The Forest Fire Fighting - Management Support System aims at the increasing number of forest fires worldwide and also in Europe. It focuses on a near real-time situation picture, modules to control resources such as mobile rescue teams, vehicles/equipment on the ground, airborne fire-fighting units efficiently and interactively for different control strategies for the various types of forest fire. The key use cases are near real-time monitoring of vulnerable, affected as well as extinguished forest areas and support improve the in-situ management, mission evaluation and resource management.

Enhancing emergency management and response to extreme weather and climate events
ANYWHERE is a user-driven innovation action aimed to empower first-responder institutions and exposed population to enhance their anticipation and pro-active capacity of response to face high-impact weather and climate events. The ANYWHERE pan-European Multi-Hazard System translates meteorological forecasts into Impact Early Warnings feeding the A4EU decision support platform. The full chain, including self-protection tools, is being operationally tested during one year by civil protection authorities in Liguria(IT), Catalonia(ES), Corsica(FR), Canton Bern(CH), South Savo(FI) and Rogaland(NO)

Enhancing decision support and management services in extreme weather climate events
The overall context for beAWARE lies in the domain of situational awareness and command and control. beAWARE supports disaster management authorities to accurately determine what has happened, what is happening now, and what will come next, in order to plan and coordinate the most effective response with the available resources. beAWARE collects heterogeneous data from several resources such as environmental, social media, input from first responders and/or people in danger and semantically integrates them in order to provide decision support services to the crisis management authority.

Driving Innovation in Crisis Management for European Resilience
DRIVER+ seeks to valorise the wealth of European innovations in Crisis Management, by assessing and delivering solutions that can be used to address different types of large-scale crises. To achieve this goal, the project is: Developing a pan-European Test-bed enabling practitioners to create a space in which stakeholders can collaborate in assessing and evaluating solutions and organisational processes; Setting up a Portfolio of Solutions as a database-driven website documenting Crisis Management solutions and experiences; Fostering a shared understanding in Crisis Management across Europe.
Twitter account:
LinkedIn group:

EuropeaN Cbrn Innovation for the maRket CLustEr
The project is a coordinated support action which has been conceived to strengthen EU CBRN industry through interlinked lines of action. In the first place, an open and neutral cluster composed of practitioners and technological providers has been created, and the project is now providing a sustainable roadmap for the developing of the CBRN market with identified needs and gaps. It also provides an integration with platforms and future EU standards for CBRN technologies to be developed in the framework of Research and Innovation Actions selected from the 2018 call for proposals, namely the COSMIC, TERRIFFIC and EU-SENSE projects. Finally, the overall framework will support CBRN commercial and market services, and facilitate European CBRN dissemination.

An INtegrated next generation PREParedness programme for improving effective interorganisational response capacity in complex environments of disasters and causes of crises
The IN-PREP Action addresses two overarching objectives. First, it will design and develop a Mixed Reality Preparedness Platform (MRPP). This innovative IT tool will allow practitioners to train and prepare for transboundary crises, using new and existing scenarios, in a virtual environment. Second, the project will create an accompanying Handbook of Transboundary Preparedness and Response Operations, addressing operational and procedural best practices and technical recommendations for further development of relevant systems and improvements on regional, national and European response plans.

Improving Resilience to Emergencies through Advanced Cyber Technologies
Due to climate change, floods, wildfires and other extreme weather events are becoming more frequent and intense; which poses a challenge for current risk management systems. I-REACT has developed integrated tools that manage data from multiple sources. Information from monitoring systems, Earth observations, historical data and weather forecasts are combined with data from I-REACT’s technologies: a mobile app and a social media analysis tool, drones, wearables and augmented reality glasses. This combination allows first responders and decision-makers knowledge to respond better to emergencies.

Remotely Operated CBRNe Scene Assessment and Forensic Examination
ROCSAFE’s goal is to change how CBRNe events are managed, and ensure the safety of crime scene investigators, by reducing the need for them to enter dangerous scenes to gather evidence. It has adapted leading-edge ground and air vehicles and developed new remotely controlled sensors, sampling systems, and AI-based analytics. It is also developing remote tools for appropriate collection and handling of forensic evidence, and innovative Central Decision Support software for investigators, linked to a graphical Command & Control Centre. These coordinate the robotic systems and sensors, and provide a user interface with maps and video, showing the results of real-time analytics, building an overview of the scene, with geographical context and relevant documentation.
Twitter: @ROCSAFE_H2020

Real-time Situation Awareness for First Responders in Disaster and Crisis Operations
SECURESCUE targets real-time 3D 360° mapping of disaster areas for crisis response using mobile exploration robots. The goal is to achieve fast situation and risk awareness to support safe and efficient deployment of first responders. Data of an airborne laser scanner and on-robot 3D panoramic camera will be fused with existing information from on-board sensors for exploration of the disaster areas and the detection of possible risks. The project will improve the representation of the 3D information and its continuous visualization on mobile terminals for safe search and rescue activities.

Tragically, chemical warfare is no longer a horror remembered from long ago. The TOXI-triage project is addressing challenges of mass casualty CBRN incident in case of chemical attack, in particular through the demonstration of situational awareness and horizontal integration of data systems. Worldwide clinical studies are developing methods and discovering markers of CBRN insult. Hybrid Warfare and social-media’s bad actors have been addressed and innovative large-scale field technical exercise to test the project’s concepts and technologies are currently running. The project is closely interacting with practitioners, including blue light responders and health and social services, and considers operations from immediate casualties to recovery of the affected environments after the immediate physical danger has passed.
Web site:
Twitter: @TOXI-triage
Institutional stands
DG Migration and Home Affairs

Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union

ECFIN: Direction Générale des affaires économiques et financièresDirectorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs

JRC: Joint Research Centre

SEREN4: SEcurity REsearch NCP network 4

SEREN4 is a CSA that aims at strengthening the capacities of and cooperation among Secure Societies NCPs and providing high quality support and services to applicants and the security community at large with the view to enhancing participation in the security research and innovation area. SEREN4 is the evolution of the precedent network, SEREN3, whose results and lessons learnt have been taken into consideration with the logic of improving the future network and in order to valorize the network’s strengths. In addition, new tasks and activities will be implemented to meet new challenges!