In its final report, the High Level Commission Expert Group on Radicalisation recommended the creation of a new collaborative format. The Project Based Collaborations are projects led by Member States (with the support of the Commission) as a means to allow swift and flexible exchanges and cooperation on priority topics among like-minded Member States.
EU Member States participating in the Project Based Collaboration on Violent Right-Wing Extremism (Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Sweden) decided to adopt a non-legally binding working definition of violent right-wing extremism (VRWE):
“Violent right-wing extremism (VRWE) are acts of individuals or groups who use, incite, threaten with, legitimise or support violence and hatred to further their political or ideological goals, motivated by ideologies based on the rejection of democratic order and values as well as of fundamental rights, and centred on exclusionary nationalism, racism, xenophobia and/or related intolerance.”
Six projects were launched in 2019 on right-wing extremism, mental health issues, knowledge and research, evaluation of exit strategies, radicalisation in prisons and national support to local authorities. Member States issued some recommendations in the final reports of the projects.