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Migration and Home Affairs
  • News article
  • 7 October 2024
  • Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs
  • 1 min read

EMN milestone - Statistical annex for EMN Observer Countries published, alongside EMN Country Factsheets 2023

Today, Monday 7 October 2024, the European Migration Network (EMN) published the first EMN Observer Country Statistical Annex, complementing its Annual Report on Migration 2023.

This is a milestone for the EMN, with statistics received from Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine, Montenegro, Armenia and Serbia. This has enabled the EMN to map the current data that is available, learn about definitions and methodologies for data collected in each country and how it compares to data collected by Eurostat, as well as understand more about migration trends in the region.

This is an important step for the EMN towards data harmonisation with EMN Observer Countries as well as support to the European Union in preparing for the developing and evolving realities of asylum and migration management through information exchange.

Additionally, 2023 Country Factsheets were published for all EMN Member Countries (EU Member States except Denmark), Norway, Georgia, Moldova, Montenegro, Armenia and Serbia. Statistics for EMN Member Countries and Norway were provided and validated by Eurostat. These are an important resource at both EU and national levels for stakeholders wishing to understand the migration situation and trends in Europe.

Find the latest country factsheets and the EMN Observer Country Statistical Annex.


Publication date
7 October 2024
Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs