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Migration and Home Affairs
  • News article
  • 15 February 2023
  • Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs
  • 1 min read

DG ECHO launched call for Knowledge for Action in Prevention and Preparedness (KAPP)

On 13 February 2023, the European Commission (DG ECHO) has opened a call for proposals related to the Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network (UCPKN), which might be of interest to a number of H2020 projects, in particular in the area Disaster Resilient Societies/DRS (including CBRN). The call covers three topics, namely

  1. Prevention (risk assessments, anticipation, risk management planning, risk awareness, early warning, wildfire prevention),
  2. Preparedness (institutional preparedness, individual capacity strengthening) and
  3. Full-scale exercises.

The topics and priorities of this call are aligned with the freshly adopted disaster resilience goals of the European Union. The submission will be opened on 28 February 2023, with a deadline set on 4 May 2023. The maximum EU contribution per project is 1 million, with a duration of 24 months. New projects will start in January 2024. A dedicated page on the UCPKN platform is opened, where extra guidance documents for the applicants will be added.


Publication date
15 February 2023
Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs