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Migration and Home Affairs
  • News article
  • 18 December 2024
  • Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs
  • 1 min read

2024 European Migration Forum highlights key role of civil society in implementing the Pact

The visual shows the European Commission and European Economic and Social Committee logos, the 9th European Migration Forum's logo which is a star shape filled with colourful birds, and the title of the event: Enhancing the role of civil society in implementing the Pact on Migration and Asylum.

The 2024 European Migration Forum brought together participants from over 200 civil society organisations, the European Economic and Social Committee, local and regional authorities, EU countries, migrant-led organisations, international organisations, and the European Commission Expert Group on the Views of Migrants in the Field of Migration, Asylum and Integration. Throughout the two-day event, speakers shared insights and key findings to promote the role of civil society in implementing the Pact on Migration and Asylum through dialogue.

Successes in migration policy

Former EU Home Affairs Commissioner Ylva Johansson delivered a keynote speech, focusing on recent successes in migration policy. Two notable indicators stood out: a 40% reduction in irregular arrivals in 2023, and the issuance of over 3.7 million residency permits the same year, with 34% for work and 14% for education. These numbers demonstrate the Commission's overarching approach to migration management and progress on two key priorities in this policy area.

The adoption of the Pact is a cornerstone of EU migration policymaking during the previous EU mandate and was the Forum's main focus. Oliver Röpke, President of the European Economic and Social Committee, emphasised that the real work begins now, with the implementation of the Pact in a human and sustainable way. This includes respecting the fundamental rights of migrants at EU borders and launching the new mandatory solidarity mechanism to promote real solidarity among EU countries.

Civil society's role in implementing the Pact

Civil society representatives actively participated in the event, acknowledging the importance of these exchanges with EU institutions for a comprehensive understanding of the Pact and its ongoing implementation. In turn, the Commission sought civil society representatives' views on ensuring the effective implementation of new rules linking asylum and return processes, and ensuring their quality.

Yonous Muhammadi, Co-founder and Director of the Greek Forum of Refugees, underlined that the Pact will influence the lives of thousands of people and underlined that the Commissions’ decision to involve civil society in the implementation of the Pact was key to its success.

©European Commission

Anna Coulibaly, from the International Catholic Migration Commission, stated that thanks to the Forum, civil society is heard by European policymakers, and highlighted the importance of constructive dialogue on the specific legislation of the Pact.

©European Commission


Publication date
18 December 2024
Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs