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Migration and Home Affairs
  • News article
  • 16 October 2024
  • Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs
  • 1 min read

12th Session of UN Convention against Transnational Organised Crime

Photograph depicting the EU and UN flags side by side.

The 12th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime (UNTOC) is taking place in Vienna from 14 – 18 October. The focus is on implementing the Firearms Protocol, a key international instrument to prevent and combat the illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in firearms. Participants will also deliberate on other serious crimes, including new forms and dimensions of transnational organised crime, the Trafficking in Persons and Smuggling of Migrants Protocols, international cooperation, as well as financial and budgetary matters. 

Countering the proliferation of illicit firearms

Every region in the world is affected by the proliferation of illicit firearms and ammunition that fuel transnational organised crime, terrorism, conflicts and violence. Some cities in Europe are experiencing increasing gang violence involving firearms. Therefore, the Firearms Protocol remains a key tool to fight the illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in firearms.

The EU supports multiple projects under the EU Global Illicit Flows Programme, such as the UNODC’s Countering Firearms Trafficking Project and Project DISRUPT.

Most EU activities are implemented with the help of regional organisations, such as the League of Arab States in the MENA region or the Organisation of American States in Latin America. In the Western Balkans, the EU supports a comprehensive Roadmap with the aim to significantly reduce the illicit flows of firearms, ammunition and explosives, which has recently been extended beyond 2024. 

Recent Developments

Over the last two years, the Commission has revised the EU Regulation that implements Article 10 of the Firearms Protocol. It sets out the general requirements for export, import and transit licencing or authorisation systems. The revised rules will simplify import, export and transit of firearms for civilian use. These procedures will be fully digital and will reinforce the secure movements of firearms.

The EU has also focused on the implementation of Article 5 of the UN Firearms Protocol. The aim is to establish common criminal law standards, and specifically criminalise the use of blueprints to illegally manufacture firearms with 3D technology.

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Publication date
16 October 2024
Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs