Education is, arguably, central to preventing young people from being attracted to violent extremist ideologies, organisations and movements – whether extreme Islamist, far-right or other threats to cohesive, inclusive societies. Internationally, schools and education authorities have adopted a wide range of initiatives, some directly targeted at preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE), others more indirect and focused on areas such as anti-racism, citizenship or value pluralism.
We are starting to gather evidence on “what works” in these initiatives, in terms of intervention work, building resilience and shifting attitudes. We have gathered examples of inspiring ideas. However, this is a fastchanging field, with the rise of different origins and targets of terrorist attacks (for example, from foreign fighters to homegrown), the increase in neo-Nazi, racist populist movements, and shifting patterns of migration including refugees, which contribute to the manipulation of anti-immigrant attitudes. Read more
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