- Country
- Germany
- RAN participants Area of expertise
- Counter- and alternative narratives
- Disengagement and exit work
- Early prevention
- Internet and online (de)radicalisation
- Islamist-inspired extremism
- Left-wing extremism
- Returning foreign terrorist fighters and their families
- Far-right extremism
- RAN participants Events
- Working group on Education
- Working group on Remembrance of Victims of Terrorism
- Communication and Narratives working group (RAN C&N)
- Working group on Youth, Families and Communities
Landesstelle Schulpsychologie und Schulpsychologisches Krisenmanagement NRW
michael [dot] wetekambra [dot] nrw [dot] de (michael[dot]wetekam[at]bra[dot]nrw[dot]de)
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