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RAN Practitioners Update - Special Edition | July 2024

RAN Practitioners Update - Special Edition | July 2024

In this Special Edition of the RAN Practitioners Update we take a specific look at the RAN in the Western Balkans project. We take a look back at the progress made since its inception in 2021, what has been achieved in that time and its impact so far. To do this, we feature a number of products which explain what the project has done and how it supported practitioners in the region – including an infographic and three short films – and we highlight a number of the papers produced, which provide insights about some of the challenges and offer recommendations for how to tackle them.

The project


Since its inception in 2021, the RAN in the Western Balkans project has been connecting practitioners from across the region to exchange knowledge, good practices and ideas on a number of key P/CVE challenges relevant to Western Balkan countries. 

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An infographic provides some basic information about the RAN in the Western Balkans project. It provides both an overview of the challenges that the project is helping participants to tackle and a snapshot of some the activity it has been delivering. 

The infographic can be viewed here

The challenges


Insights about the nature and scale of the threat posed by violent right wing extremism (VRWE) in the region, are captured in a paper produced by RAN in the Western Balkans in 2022. The paper explores and explains the VRWE threat in each of the Western Balkans countries. 

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Online radicalisation

An overview of online radicalisation trends in the Western Balkans, including key narratives, actors, networks and online dissemination strategies, is provided in a paper produced by RAN in the Western Balkans in 2023. The paper describes the influence of the online space on radicalisation while dispelling some common myths. 

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The practices

P/CVE approaches 

Lessons learned about how practitioners can address online radicalisation are discussed in a paper published by RAN in the Western Balkans in  2023. The paper provides suggestions for how practitioners can address online radicalisation via both digital and offline P/CVE work. 

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The insights

Foreign Terrorist Fighters (FTFs)

Prerequisites for the successful management of Foreign Terrorist Fighters (FTFs) and their family members in a multi-agency setting are discussed in a paper published by RAN in the Western Balkans in 2023. The paper provides a comparative analysis of approaches taken in Germany and different Western Balkan experiences. 

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Returned women 

Existing approaches to dealing with returned women in the Western Balkans are analysed in a paper published by RAN in the Western Balkans in 2022. The paper describes approaches for reintegration and rehabilitation, defines the roles and responsibilities among state and non-state actors, and identifies the needs, challenges and capacity gaps. 

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Violent extremist offenders 

The challenges faced in dealing with imprisoned or recently released violent extremist or terrorist offenders are summarised in a paper published by RAN in the Western Balkans in 2022. The paper describes the conditions in prisons, working with family members, and the prison-probation continuum. 

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For more papers produced by RAN in the Western Balkans, including translations, please visit the website here.

Contact us

RAN in the Western Balkans is implemented by RadarEurope, which is a subsidiary of the RadarGroup:

  • Phone: +31 (0)20 468 06 08 (office)
  • E-Mail: ranatradareurope [dot] nl (ran[at]radareurope[dot]nl)

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This is an update on the activities of the Radicalisation Awareness Network Practitioners (RAN Practitioners). and RAN in the Western Balkans. You receive this email, along with more than 7,000 other people, because you have participated in a RAN Practitioners or RAN in the Western Balkans activity or because you have registered your interest in the network. If you wish to unsubscribe, please let us know. Feel free to distribute this RAN Practitioners Update to colleagues and invite them to subscribe.

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15 JULY 2024
RAN Practitioners Update - Special Edition | July 2024