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RAN Practitioners Update 86 | August 2021

RAN Newsletter 86 banner

This year marks the tenth anniversary of the formation of the Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN). The coinciding of the anniversary with the Covid-19 pandemic has only brought the objectives and activity of RAN into sharper focus, whilst Europe’s recovery from the pandemic has led to new trends and emerging threats that are already shaping the next decade of P/CVE work. Vitally, RAN practitioners are armed with the knowledge and skills gained from the last ten years to deal with the emerging challenges.

As we approach the mid-point of the year, we take a look at some of the RAN Practitioners activity that has taken place so far to mark the 10-year anniversary. In this month’s Update we feature a special edition Spotlight magazine, as well as two films that have been produced as part of an ongoing series commemorating the anniversary. We also promote an upcoming webinar for the Civil Society Em-powerment Programme (CSEP) on online campaigning in P/CVE.

10 Year Anniversary

High Level Conference and Plenary

We are happy to announce that the dates for the RAN High Level Conference & RAN Plenary have now been confirmed:

  • The High Level Conference 2021 (10 Years of RAN) will take place on Tuesday 12 October 2021 (afternoon)
  • The Plenary 2021 will be held on Wednesday 13 October 2021.

Both events will be in a hybrid or online format. Please keep an eye on the RAN Website for further updates.

CSEP Webinar

Online campaigning in P/CVE: results & lessons learned from 4 years of the Civil Society Empowerment Programme (CSEP)

In the last 4 years, the Civil Society Empowerment Programme (CSEP) has supported 20 diverse projects in their online P/CVE campaigns across the different EU Member States. In a series of five webinars, these EU-funded projects will share their results and lessons learned.

If you want to learn more about the results of these different online campaigns, how to start your own online campaign, what is being done in your country, or generally more about P/CVE campaigns, join us at the upcoming webinars. Read more....

Upcoming events

Due to the global COVID pandemic, RAN Practitioners will continue to deliver all meetings in the coming months online. For more information on planned meetings please go to the RAN website. A number of other meetings planned for the first few months of 2021 will be published in due time.

Online campaigning in P/CVE - Civil Society Empowerment Programme Webinar (CSEP)

CSEP Webinar | 15 September 2021

How to best use local crime prevention approaches for P/CVE

RAN Local WG Meeting | 20-21 September 2021

Mental health practices and interventions in P/CVE

RAN MH WG Meeting | 22-23 September 2021

Supporting families in fostering resilience against (Covid-19 related) conspiracy narratives

RAN FC&S Working Group | 28-29 September 2021

Working with communities and religious figures

RAN Y&E WG Meeting | 05-06 October 2021

RAN High Level Conference 2021 - 10 Years of RAN

12 October 2021

RAN Plenary 2021

13 October 2021

Working with (violent) right wing extremists in your community

RAN FC&S WG Meeting | 23-24 November 2021

Inclusion through sports

RAN Y&E WG Meeting | 30 November-01 December 2021

Please keep an eye on the calendar on the RAN website for up-to-date information.


Lone actors as a challenge for P/CVE

A new paper looks at the concerning increase in so called lone-actor terrorist at-tacks. The latest Europol terrorist threat assessment highlights that in 2020 all completed jihadist attacks in the EU were committed by individuals acting alone, while most foiled plots by jihadists involved multiple suspects.

This paper provides an overview of past research and discusses more recent lone-actor profiling and their psychology, as well as the challenge of identifying lone actors. Read more...


Memorials for victims of terrorism and their possible value for P/CVE - Dif-ferent approaches within the EU

A new paper focuses on the ways in which victims of terrorism (VoT) have been involved in P/CVE, outlining the most common approaches and practices.

The paper provides recommendations directed at first-line practitioners working in are-as that could encompass memorials in their work (e.g. educators, local authori-ties, community workers, exit workers, probation workers, social workers) and pol-icy makers at local, national and European levels looking to learn more. Read more...


Repatriated foreign terrorist fighters and their European experiences & les-sons for P/CVE

A new paper provides approaches to working with returning foreign terrorist fight-ers and their families, including how they differ across Europe.

The paper pre-sents an overview of general approaches towards repatriation in EU countries and the Western Balkans with concrete examples of practices, returnee coordinators and various types of multi-agency and national coordination approaches, as well as exit programmes and interventions for both adult and child returnees. Read more...


Contemporary manifestations of violent right-wing extremism in the EU: An overview of P/CVE

A new paper focuses on the rising right wing extremist (VRWE) violence across Europe, which illustrates the need for adequate measures to prevent and counter the threat. The paper explores whether measures to deal with previous right-wing extremist expressions are fit to counter current manifestations of right-wing ex-tremism.

It describes the modern (violent) right-wing extremist scene and how it has evolved from past manifestations. It also highlights a number of promising practices from previous programmes targeting VRWE violence. Read more...


Conspiracy narratives and right-wing extremism – Insights and recommen-dations for P/CVE

A new paper highlights the proliferation of conspiracy narratives and their link to violent right-wing extremism. It highlights the archetypal narratives of conspiracy ideologies, providing ‘black and white’ world views and how they foster societal divisions between in-groups and out-groups by exacerbating intolerance against ‘the other’ and delegitimising different voices as being part of the conspiracy.

The paper provides recommendations for practitioners in tackling the conspiratorial labyrinth of conspiracy narratives. Read more...


RAN activities on local coordination and the local approach to P/CVE

A new paper draws on the work of the RAN LOCAL Working Group, which has only been in operation since 2016.

It highlights three main themes of local coordi-nation for practitioners: multi-agency cooperation, engagement with societal stakeholders and an in-depth analysis and knowledge of the P/CVE landscape. Read more...


RAN activities on Families, Communities and Social Care

A new paper focuses on the key themes of the RAN Families, Communities & Social Care working group. The paper elaborates on the Working Group’s key ob-jectives, including details of its meetings and activities, papers, practices and key lessons learned and recommendations identified.

The paper first elaborates on RAN activities dedicated to working with and supporting families, communities and social workers, before then focusing on separate efforts made to support practi-tioners working in this space. Read more...


RAN activities on Victims/Survivors of Terrorism 2011-2021

A new paper focuses on the key themes of the RAN Victims of Terrorism working group. The paper elaborates on the Working Group’s key objectives, including de-tails of its meetings and activities, papers, practices and key lessons learned and recommendations identified.

The paper first elaborates on RAN activities dedicat-ed to the role of victims/survivors of terrorism in P/CVE. Secondly, it focuses on the core task of the Working Group – supporting victims/survivors of terrorism – and looks into areas of remembrance and support. Read more...

Contact Us

RAN Practitioners is implemented by RadarEurope, which is a subsidiary of the RadarGroup:

  • Phone: +31 (0)20 468 06 08 (office)
  • E-Mail: ranatradareurope [dot] nl (ran[at]radareurope[dot]nl)

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This is an update on the activities of the Radicalisation Awareness Network Practitioners (RAN Practitioners). You receive this email, along with more than 6,000 other people, because you have participated in a RAN activity or because you have registered your interest in the network. If you wish to unsubscribe, please let us know. Feel free to distribute this RAN Practitioners Update to colleagues and invite them to subscribe.

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  • 7 SEPTEMBER 2021
RAN Practitioners Update 86 | August 2021