- Country
- Germany
- Target Audience
- Families
- Prison / probation
- key themes association
- Family support
- Violent right-wing extremism
- Year
- 2024
ifgg – Institute for gender reflective violence prevention is a limited company (gGmbH).
The project Praefix R radicalisation prevention programme was financed as a pilot project by programme ‘Demokratie leben!” of the German Federal Ministry for Families, Seniors, Women, and Youths and is financed by the Senate of Berlin and the Ministry for Justice in Brandenburg.
Type of Organisation: NGO
Project description
A special coaching programme for imprisoned parents is aimed to prevent the right wing radicalisation of their children.
The programme targets parents who may be associated with right-wing orientation (and transfer this attitude to their children) or may have noticed their teenage children’s tendency for discriminatory prejudices or desire to join right-wing radicalised groups. In principle, all parents who wish to intensify or stabilise the relationship with their children are welcome to join the programme, which will assist them to improve their parenting skills.
Furthermore, the programme is based on the idea that the children of imprisoned parents are at high risk but largely go unnoticed. They often suffer from being separated from the imprisoned parents and from the shame and guilt they feel in connection to their parents’ criminal activities. Also, they are at risk of experiencing exclusion and bullying. In addition to an insecure attachment pattern and transgenerational transmission of traumatic experiences these children are prone to joining radicalised groups in order to compensate the need to be recognised and feel important.
This is where coaching starts and focuses on supporting the parents to strengthen their parent-child relationship, to improve their child-raising skills and to reflect their values and attitudes, in which their parenting is embedded. Part of the coaching also involves other important figures such as the (ex)partner, parents, foster parents (if the child lives in a foster family) and friends or relatives who can support in the process.
An important part is also (if appropriate and possible) to involve the youth welfare service. The coaching consists of 15 sessions, including one preliminary session, 10 weekly/biweekly sessions and four follow-up sessions, which can be scheduled according to the need of the clients.
Handbook ’21 methods’ available as print version or download here.
Contact details
Osloer Straße 12
D-13359 Berlin
Contact person: Ms. Uli Streib-Brzič, Mr. Lars Schäfer
Telephone: +49 3074773117
streibbrzicifgg-berlin [dot] de (Email) | Website