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Migration and Home Affairs
  • Belgium
Target Audience
  • Educators/academics
  • Youth/pupils/students
key themes association
  • (Early) prevention
  • Internet and radicalisation
  • 2022


Mediawijs-imec vzw (the Flemish Knowledge Centre on Digital and Media Literacy).

In collaboration with the Flemish Ministry of Education, education magazine Klasse and Cirra.

Type of Organisation: NGO

Project description

No Cap is youth slang for “I’m not lying, I’m telling the truth”.

In an honest and correct way, No Cap wants to:

  • make young people aware of their own changing identity in a diverse society and give them insight into the process of polarisation and radicalisation, the role and influence of (social) media, and online influencing processes;
  • support teachers to deal with polarising messages, fake news or extremist messages in the classroom and provide them with tools for this;
  • inform school boards how they can work towards a safe and inclusive school climate.

Therefore, No Cap provides:

  • tailor-made information for young people on the youth information channel WATWAT, promoted via social influencers;
  • an online training for teachers (three main focuses: polarisation, (online) manipulation, identity formation) with:
    • videos to discover at their own pace,
    • inspiring classroom practices,
    • live sessions with experts,
    • ready-to-use teaching materials;
  • information for school boards in the education magazine Klasse.

In all materials we want to give background information to management, teachers and young people (e.g. how does online (dis)information spread? how does polarization arise? why do you feel connected to a certain group? ...), but we also share concrete tips (e.g. how can you recognise polarisation in a classroom early and how can you respond to it?).

In the teaching materials, too, young people also learn a theoretical basis, but they are also encouraged to take action, for example to learn to disagree with each other, or to stand up for their own identity and interests in a constructive way.


Informational articles for young people:

Online training for teachers, accessible after (free) registration on

Lesson package ‘EDUbox Us vs Them’:

Lesson package ‘EDUbox Identity’:

‘What’s New’ lesson package about conspiracy thinking and propaganda:

Poster ‘Hearty discussion? Yes – Polarisation? No’:

Postcard: ‘How do you talk to someone who believes in conspiracy theories?’

Poster: ‘Did you spot a conspiracy?’

Articles in education magazine Klasse:

Contact details


Kantersteen 10 
B-1000 Brussels, Belgium

Contact person: Bert Pieters
Telephone: +32 473675285
bert [dot] pietersatimec [dot] be (Email) | Website

Read the full practice

  • 11 AUGUST 2023
No Cap