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Migration and Home Affairs

RAN collection of practices search

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RAN collection of practices search (108)

Showing results 20 to 40

The main difficulty encountered in prisons is detection of the radicalisation of prisoners. We have therefore set up training courses to raise awareness of the problem of radicalisation, indicators and how to transmit the information to the appropriate people.

The main focus of the Advice Centre Hesse is to intervene in the radicalisation process. Targeted deradicalisation activities are aimed at people who tend to travel to war zones, return to Germany as ‘foreign fighters’ and/or are seeking to disengage from extremist ideologies.

Our school is a multicultural flagship school in the city of Antwerp. Our students represent more than 60 nationalities. Our teaching staff also boasts great diversity.

The CCA-Method is a co-developed strategic communication methodology used in situations where young people are influenced by narratives that are potential threats to our shared democratic values.

Dare to be Grey is a foundation that challenges polarisation in society. It calls for recognition of the 'grey' middle ground in issues often mistakenly considered 'black and white'.

We use counter- and alternative narratives focused on the political ideology of ‘political Salafiyya’, which can lead to violent extremism and consequently terrorism. The examples and methods that we use are based on al-aqida, fiqh, manhaj, pedagogy, history, civic education, and human rights.

The Extremely Together Roadshow consists of a series of peer-to-peer workshops aimed at training youth in schools as well as with young leaders in local communities across Europe in countering violent extremism (CVE).

The GOT Project comprises a series of fully-resourced formal and informal sequential educational programmes and resources which challenge all forms of extremism and violent extremism. The target audience ranges from primary-age school children to youth and adults.

By organising recreational sports and adventure activities in Hungary, KacsaKő Association is building an inclusive community of 9-14 year-old children who otherwise would never meet under regular circumstances due to the different and distant social bubbles they live in.

The Preventive Policing Unit of the Helsinki Police Department consists of 4 teams that use preventive measures on their respective fields.

The Spanish Project entitled “Testimonies of victims of terrorism in the classrooms” is part of the training programme sponsored jointly by the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of Education.

The prevention pyramid of Johan Declerck is an instrument that can be used to orient and achieve insights into how to optimise one’s policy for the prevention of radicalisation.