Annual reports on migration and asylum outline the most significant political and legislative developments and debates in the EU Member States and at EU level in the year. The reports provide a unique overview of migration and asylum-related developments.

The EMN country factsheets provide a succinct summary of the main developments in each EMN Member State and EMN observers in a given year. EMN country factsheets also provide an overview of most recent migration and international protection-related statistics.

EMN informs provide policy makers with key findings and messages on a specific topic. Information presented is based on results from information gathered and analysed by the EMN, for example from reports, studies, or from ad-hoc queries.

EMN studies provide a comparative analysis of topics of immediate interest to policymakers and other stakeholders related to migration and asylum in the EU. EMN study packages generally include a flash and an Inform, as well as the full study.

The EMN produces an annual status report, reporting on its activities and achievements.

Ad-hoc queries are a tool EMN National Contact Points and the European Commission use to collect information from network countries on a wide range of migration and asylum-related issues.