Zaragoza Declaration on Integration - European Commission Skip to main content
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Zaragoza Declaration on Integration


A declaration of the European Ministerial Conference on Integration to further develop the core idea of integration as a driver for development and social cohesion by incorporating integration issues in a comprehensive way in all relevant policy fields with a focus on three areas: employment and education, comprehensive participation and evaluation of integration policies.


Derived by EMN from the Declaration on the European Website on Integration.


  • BG: Декларация от Сарагоса по въпросите на интеграцията
  • CS: Deklarace o integraci ze Zaragozy
  • DE: Zaragoza-Erklärung zum Thema Integration / Zaragosa-Erklärung zur Integration
  • EL: Διακήρυξη (της Ευρωπαϊκής Υπουργικής Διάσκεψης) της Σαραγόσα για την Ένταξη
  • EN: Zaragoza Declaration on Integration
  • FI: Zaragozan julistus kotouttamisesta
  • FR: Déclaration de Saragosse sur l’intégration
  • HR: Zaragoza deklaracija o integraciji
  • HU: Zaragozai Nyialtkozat az integrációról
  • IT: Dichiarazione di Saragozza sull’integrazione
  • LT: Saragosos deklaracija integracijos klausimais
  • MT: Dikjarazzjoni (Id-) ta’ Zaragoza dwar l-integrazzjoni
  • NL: Verklaring van Zaragoza over integratie
  • PL: Deklaracja z Saragossy w sprawie integracji
  • PT: Declaração de Zaragoça
  • RO: Declarația de la Zaragoza privind integrarea
  • SK: Deklarácia zo Zaragozy k integrácii
  • SL: Zaragoška izjava o vključevanju
  • SV: Zaragozadeklarationen om integration
  • NO: Zaragoza erklæringen om integrering
  • KA: სარაგოსის დეკლარაცია ინტეგრაციის შესახებ
  • UK: Сарагоська декларація про інтеграцію
  • HY: Սարագոսայի հռչակագիր ինտեգրման մասին


  • Zaragosa Declaration

Broader Term(s)

Related Term(s)


1. The Declaration was agreed at the European Ministerial Conference on Integration in Zaragoza of 15 and 16 April 2010. Council Conclusions incorporating the Declaration were adopted at the Justice and Home Affairs Council of 3-4 June 2010.

2. Employment and education are key parts in the integration process. Further development of the concept of 'human capital' should ensure a cross-sectoral approach, including programmes for education, employment and lifelong learning.

3. Comprehensive participation requires appropriate cooperation and coordination between different levels of government and public administration (European, national, regional and local). National Contact Points on Integration play an important role in promoting the integration of immigrants at both European Union and EU Member State level.

4. With regard to the evaluation of integration policies the declaration includes suggestions to further develop integration indicators based on qualitative or subjective data, they should complement the existing indicators in the four policy: employment, education, social inclusion and active citizenship.