visa facilitation agreement - European Commission
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visa facilitation agreement


Agreement between the EU and a non-EU country that facilitates the issuance by an EU Member State of authorisations to the citizens of that non-EU country for transiting through or an intended stay in the territory of the EU Member States of a duration of no more than 90 days in any 180-day period from the date of first entry into the territory of the EU Member States.


Derived by EMN from the definition of Visa in Art. 2(2) of Regulation (EC) No 810/2009 ((Visa Code).


  • BG: Споразумение за облекчаване на визовия режим
  • CS: dohoda o usnadnění vydávání krátkodobých víz / facilitační dohoda
  • DE: Visaerleichterungs-Abkommen
  • EL: συμφωνία για την απλούστευση / διευκόλυνση της έκδοσης θεωρήσεων
  • EN: visa facilitation agreement
  • ES: acuerdo de facilitación de visados
  • ET: viisalihtsustusleping
  • FI: viisumihelpotussopimus
  • FR: accord visant à faciliter la délivrance de visas
  • GA: comhaontú um éisiúint víosaí a éascú
  • HR: sporazum o viznim olakšicama
  • HU: vízumkönnyítési megállapodás
  • IT: accordo di facilitazione del visto
  • LT: susitarimas dėl vizų režimo supaprastinimo
  • LV: nolīgums par vīzu atvieglotu izsniegšanu
  • MT: Ftehim għall-iffaċilitar fil-ħruġ tal-viżi / għat‑tħaffif fl-għoti tal-viżi
  • NL: visumfacilitatieovereenkomst / visumversoepelingsovereenkomst
  • PL: umowa o ułatwieniach wizowych
  • PT: acordo sobre a facilitação da emissão de vistos
  • RO: acord pentru facilitarea acordării vizelor
  • SK: dohoda o zjednodušení postupu pri vydávaní víz
  • SL: sporazum o vizumskih olajšavah
  • SV: viseringsförenklingsavtal
  • NO: visumfasiliteringsavtale
  • KA: შეთანხმება სავიზო რეჟიმის გამარტივების შესახებ
  • UK:  угода про спрощення візового режиму
  • HY: մուտքի արտոնագրերի դյուրացման մասին համաձայնագիր

Broader Term(s)

Related Term(s)


1. The agreements introduce simplified procedures to make issuing short-stay visas (no more than 90 days per period of 180 days) an easier process for the non-EU countries and citizens concerned.
2. With the aim of facilitating further European integration, cooperation and people-to-people contacts, the EU launched 'visa liberalization dialogues' with the Western Balkans and EaP countries. As a result of fulfilling requirements set by the respective roadmaps and action plans, assessed by EC's consecutive progress reports, the citizens of five Western Balkans and three EaP countries were given the right to enter and stay in EU/Schengen states without a visa for the period of 90 days within 180-day period. For more information see the webpage on Visa Liberalisation.
3. For the complete list of visa facilitation agreements concluded so far, see the Visa Policy webpage.