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Migration and Home Affairs


A five-year political, strategic document describing the focus of cooperation in the policy areas of justice and home affairs of the EU Member States for the years 2010 to 2014.


European Commission Communication on an area of freedom, security and justice serving the citizen, COM(2009) 262


  • BG: Стокхолмска програма
  • CS: Stockholmský program
  • DE: Stockholmer Programm
  • EL: Πρόγραμμα της Στοκχόλμης
  • EN: Stockholm Programme
  • ES: Programa de Estocolmo
  • ET: Stockholmi programm
  • FI: Tukholman ohjelma
  • FR: Programme de Stockholm
  • GA: Clár Stócólm
  • HR: Stockholmski program
  • HU: Stockholmi Program
  • IT: Programma di Stoccolma
  • LT: Stokholmo programa
  • LV: Stokholmas programma
  • MT: Programm (Il-) ta’ Stokkolma
  • NL: Programma van Stockholm
  • PL: Program Sztokholmski
  • PT: Programa de Estocolmo
  • RO: Programul de la Stockholm
  • SK: Štokholmský program
  • SL: Stockholmski program
  • SV: Stockholmsprogrammet
  • NO: Stockholm-programmet
  • KA: სტოკჰოლმის პროგრამა
  • UK: Стокгольмська програма
  • HY: Ստոկհոլմի ծրագիր


1. The Stockholm Programme is the third programme in this area. The first programme was adopted in 1999 in Tampere. The second programme, the Hague Programme, was adopted in 2004 and expired in December 2009.
2. The Programme contains guidelines for common politics on the topics of protection of fundamental rights, privacy, minority rights and the rights of groups of people in need of special protection, as well as citizenship of the European Union. The programme also outlines plans for measures in the area of border-crossing data exchange between State authorities and surveillance of the Internet. The Programme’s work programme also attaches great importance to how the EU should work to guarantee respect for fundamental freedoms and privacy, while guaranteeing security in Europe. Chapter 5 specifically outlines the priorities in migration and asylum matters ( based on the principles and objectives of the Pact on Immigration and Asylum). It underlines that solidarity is an important objective of a common immigration and asylum policy and that the EU should provide support to EU Member States most exposed to migratory pressures.
3. For more information, see the Communication on an area of freedom, security and justice serving the citizen (Stockholm Programme) COM (2009) 262.