Person considered to be a refugee (according to the criteria of Art. 1A(I) of the Geneva Refugee Convention and Protocol) under the provision of the international instruments preceding the Geneva Refugee Convention or a person who has been recognised as a refugee by the former International Refugee Organisation during the period of its activities.
Derived by EMN from the UNHCR International Thesaurus of Refugee Terminology.
- BG: no translation
- CS: statutární uprchlík
- DE: statutärer Flüchtling
- EL: αναγνωρισμένος πρόσφυγας
- EN: statutory refugee
- ES: refugiado bajo instrumentos anteriores a la Convención de 1951
- ET: statuudipagulane
- FI: pakolaisaseman saanut henkilö / sääntömääräinen pakolainen
- FR: réfugié statutaire
- GA: dídeanaí de réir reachta
- HR: statutarne izbjeglice
- HU: történelmi menekült
- IT: rifugiato titolare dello status prima della Convenzione di Ginevra del 1951
- LT: pabėgėlis pagal susitarimus
- LV: statūtbēglis
- MT: Rifuġjat(a) statutarju(-a)
- NL: erkende vluchteling / verdragsvluchteling
- PL: uchodźca statutowy
- PT: refugiado estatutário
- RO: refugiat statutar
- SK: štatutárny utečenec
- SL: N/A
- SV: konventionsflykting
- NO: statuttflyktning
- KA: მოწმობით აღიარებული ლტოლვილი
- UK: біженець відповідно до Женевської конвенції 1951 року
- HY: ճանաչված փախստական
Broader Term(s)
1. These instruments are: The Arrangements with regard to Russian and Armenian Refugees of 12 May 1926, the Arrangement with regard to Turkish and Assyrian Refugees of 30 June 1928, the Conventions of 28 October 1933 and 10 February 1938, the Protocol of 14 September 1939 and the Constitution of the International Refugee Organisation.
2. This type of status is normally no longer granted, although the term is still used by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in its activities.