Bodies representing employers, workers and governments when meeting for the purpose of consultations and negotiations on labour, social and economic practices, policies and legislation.
- Derived by EMN from the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation
- Articles 152 and 153 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU)
- BG: социални партньори
- CS: sociální partneři
- DE: Sozialpartner
- EL: κοινωνικοί εταίροι
- EN: social partners
- ES: interlocutores sociales
- ET: sotsiaalpartnerid
- FI: työmarkkinaosapuolet
- FR: partenaires sociaux
- GA: comhpháirtithe sóisialta
- HR: socijalni partneri
- HU: szociális partnerek
- IT: parti sociali
- LT: socialiniai partneriai
- LV: sociālie partneri
- MT: msieħba soċjali
- NL: sociale partners
- PL: partnerzy społeczni
- PT: parceiros sociais
- SK: sociálni partneri
- SL: socialni partnerji
- SV: arbetsmarknadens parter
- NO: sosiale parter, arbeidslivets parter / partene i arbeidslivet (b); sosiale partar / arbeidslivspartar / partane i arbeidslivet (n)
- KA: მოკლევადიანი მიგრაცია
- UK: короткострокова міграція
- KA: სოციალური პარტნიორები
- UK: соціальні партнери
- HY: սոցիալական գործընկերներ
The concept of 'social partners' is central to the structure and governance of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), and is implied by articles 152 and 153 in the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).