Movement of individuals who change their country of usual residence for a period of at least three months but less than a year (12 months) except in cases where the movement to that country is for purposes of recreation, holiday, visits to friends or relatives, business, medical treatment or religious pilgrimage.
- Derived by EMN from the UN Recommendations on Statistics of International Migration
- OECD Glossary of Statistical Terms
- BG: краткосрочна миграция
- CS: krátkodobá migrace
- DE: kurzfristige Migration / Kurzzeit-Migration
- EL: βραχυπρόθεσμη μετανάστευση
- EN: short-term migration
- ES: migración de corta duración
- ET: lühiajaline sisseränne
- FI: lyhytaikainen maahanmuutto
- FR: migration de courte durée
- GA: imirce ghearrthréimhseach
- HR: kratkotrajne migracije
- HU: rövidtávú bevándorlás
- IT: migrazione di breve periodo
- LT: trumpalaikė migracija
- LV: īstermiņa migrācija
- MT: Migrazzjoni ghal perjodu qasir
- NL: kortetermijnmigratie
- PL: migracja krótkookresowa
- PT: migração de curta duração
- RO: migraţie pe termen scurt
- SK: krátkodobá migrácia
- SL: migracije za krajše obdobje
- SV: korttidsmigration
- NO: korttidsmigrasjon
- KA: short-term migration
- UK: короткострокова міграція
- HY: կարճաժամկետ միգրացիա