Set of measures described in the Directive 2013/32/EU (Recast Asylum Procedures Directive) which encompasses all necessary steps for granting and withdrawing international protection starting with making an application for international protection to the final decision in appeals procedures.
Developed by EMN.
- BG: производство за предоставяне на международна закрила
- CS: řízení o udělení mezinárodní ochrany
- DE: Verfahren auf internationalen Schutz
- EL: διαδικασία σχετικά με τη διεθνή προστασία
- EN: procedure for international protection
- ES: procedimiento para la protección internacional
- ET: rahvusvahelise kaitse menetlus
- FI: turvapaikkamenettely / kansainvälistä suojelua koskeva menettely
- FR: procédure pour l'octroi et le retrait de la protection internationale
- GA: Nós imeachta maidir le cosaint idirnáisiúnta
- HU: nemzetközi védelemmel kapcsolatos eljárás
- HR: postupak za međunarodnu zaštitu
- IT: procedura di protezione internazionale
- LT: tarptautinės apsaugos procedūra (EU acquis); prieglobsčio procedūra
- LV: starptautiskās aizsardzības procedūra
- MT: Proċedura għall-protezzjoni internazzjonali
- NL: procedure voor de toekenning van internationale bescherming
- PL: procedura udzielania ochrony międzynarodowej
- PT: Procedimento de concessão e retirada do estatuto de proteção internacional
- RO: procedura de protecție internațională / procedura privind protecția internațională
- SK: procedúra medzinárodnej ochrany / konanie o medzinárodnej ochrane (EU acquis); konanie o udelenie azylu / konanie o azyle
- SL: postopek mednarodne zaščite
- SV: förfarande för att pröva internationellt skydd
- NO: prosedyre ved søknad om internasjonal beskyttelse (b); prosedyre ved søknad om internasjonalt vern (etter søknad om internasjonalt vern) (n)
- KA: საერთაშორისო დაცვის პროცედურა
- UK: процедура надання міжнародного захисту
- HY: միջազգային պաշտպանության վերաբերյալ ընթացակարգ
- asylum procedure
- protection determination procedure
- refugee determination procedure
- RSD procedure
- international protection determination procedure
Narrower Term(s)
- access to the procedure for international protection
- examination of an application for international protection
- personal interview for international protection
1. These steps are in particular: making and lodging an application for international protection, registration of the applicant and establishment of the applicant's identity by means of identification, examination of the application including the personal interview, decision at first instance, appeals procedure and final decision in the appeals procedure. The procedures include special procedures such as the Dublin procedure or accelerated procedures as well as the distribution and accommodation of the applicants.
2. Directive 2013/32/EU (Recast Asylum Procedures Directive) provides the framework for a single application procedure comprising common guarantees and standards for the qualification of third-country nationals or stateless persons as beneficiaries of international protection, or for persons eligible for subsidiary protection and for the content of the protection granted in order to complete the establishment of a Common European Asylum System (CEAS).