A mechanism for the mutual exchange of information concerning national measures in the areas of asylum and immigration that are likely to have a significant impact on several EU Member States or on the European Union as a whole.
Art. 1 of Council Decision 2006/688/EC (Mutual Information Mechanism Decision).
- BG: Механизъм за взаимно информиране
- CS: mechanismus vzájemné výměny informací
- DE: Mechanismus zur gegenseitigen Information
- EL: μηχανισμός αμοιβαίας πληροφόρησης
- EN: mutual information mechanism
- ES: Mecanismo de Información Mutua
- ET: vastastikune teabesüsteem
- FI: keskinäinen tiedottamisjärjestelmä
- FR: mécanisme d’information mutuelle
- GA: Sásra um Fhaisnéis Fhrithpháirteach
- HR: Zajednički mehanizam informiranja
- HU: kölcsönös tájékoztatási mechanizmus
- IT: Meccanismo di Informazione Reciproca
- LT: Tarpusavio keitimosi informacija mechanizmas
- LV: savstarpējās informācijas apmaiņas mehānisms
- MT: Mekkaniżmu għal Informazzjoni Reċiproka
- NL: wederzijdse Informatiemechanisme
- PL: Mechanizm Wymiany Informacji
- PT: mecanismo de informação mútua
- RO: mecanismul de informare mutuală / mecanismul de informare reciprocă
- SK: mechanizmus vzájomnej výmeny informácií
- SL: mehanizem vzajemnega obveščanja
- SV: system för ömsesidigt informationsutbyte
- NO: Ordning for gjensidig informasjonsutveksling
- KA: ინფორმაციის ურთიერთგაცვლის მექანიზმი
- UK: механізм взаємообміну інформацією
- HY: փոխադարձ տեղեկատվական մեխանիզմ
- mutual information mechanism concerning Member States’ measures in the area of asylum and immigration
Related Term(s)
The mechanism also allows for the preparation of exchanges of views and debates on such measures.