An initiative by which work along the main migration routes through a particular region and towards the EU is identified and which takes into account the need to work in close collaboration with the third countries along these routes.
Annex I, 2 (glossary) to the European Commission Communication applying the Global Approach to Migration, COM(2007) 247
- BG: Инициатива за миграционни маршрути
- CS: iniciativa migračních tras
- DE: Migrationsrouten-Initiative
- EL: πρωτοβουλία μεταναστευτικών οδών
- EN: migration routes initiative
- ES: iniciativa de rutas migratorias
- ET: rändeteede meede
- FI: muuttoreittejä koskeva aloite
- FR: initiative relative aux routes migratoires
- GA: Tionscnamh um Bhealaí Imirce
- HR: inicijativa na migracijskoj ruti
- HU: migrációs útvonalak kezdeményezés
- IT: Iniziativa Rotte migratorie
- LT: Migracijos maršrutų iniciatyva
- LV: migrācijas ceļu iniciatīva
- MT: Inizzjattiva fir-rigward tar-rotot migratorji
- NL: migratieroutes initiatief
- PL: Inicjatywa ds. Szlaków Migracyjnych
- PT: iniciativa sobre rotas migratórias
- RO: iniţiativa cu privire la rutele de migraţie / inițiativa privind rutele migratorii
- SK: iniciatíva migračných trás
- SL: pobuda glede migracijskih poti
- SV: migration routes initiative (no usual translation)
- NO: initiativ i tilknytning til migrasjonsruter (b); initiativ i tilknyting til migrasjonsruter (n)
- KA: მიგრაციის მარშრუტების ინიციატივა
- UK: ініціатива зі шляхів міграції
- HY: միգրացիոն ուղիների նախաձեռնություն