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Migration and Home Affairs


A platform for political cooperation amongst the countries along the migration route between the Horn of Africa and Europe with a focus on combating trafficking in human beings and smuggling of migrants.


Website of the Khartoum Process


  • BG: процес от Хартум
  • CS: Chartúmský proces
  • DE: Khartum-Prozess
  • EL: Διαδικασία του Χαρτούμ
  • EN: Khartoum Process
  • ES: Proceso de Jartum
  • ET: Hartumi protsess
  • FI: Khartumin prosessi
  • FR: Processus de Khartoum
  • GA: Próiseas Chartúm
  • HR: Khartoumski proces
  • HU: Kartúm Folyamat
  • IT: Processo di Khartoum
  • LT: Chartumo procesas
  • LV: Hartūmas process
  • MT: Proċess (Il-) ta’ Kartum
  • NL: Khartoem-proces / Proces van Khartoem
  • PL: Proces chartumski
  • PT: Processo de Cartum
  • RO: Procesul de la Khartoum
  • SK: Chartúmsky proces
  • SL: Kartumski proces
  • SV: Khartoumprocessen
  • NO: Khartoumprocessen
  • KA: ხარტუმის პროცესი
  • UK: Хартумський процес
  • HY: Քարտումի գործընթաց


  • EU-Horn of Africa-Migration Route Initiative

Related Term(s)


1. The Platform is also known as the EU-Horn of Africa Migration Route Initiative. The initiative was officially launched at the Rome Ministerial Conference on 28 November 2014 with the adoption of the Rome Declaration. Starting in 2012, the engagement of Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia and Sudan as core countries, affected by human trafficking incidents laid the groundwork for the establishment of the Khartoum Process in 2014.
2. The inter-continental consultation framework aims at:

  • establishing a continuous dialogue for enhanced cooperation on migration and mobility;
  • identifying and implementing concrete projects to address human trafficking and the smuggling of migrants;
  • giving a new impetus to the regional collaboration between countries of origin, transit and destination regarding the migration route between the Horn of Africa and Europe.

3. Projects contributing to the development of national and regional strategies on migration management under the Khartoum as well as the Rabat Process are partly funded by the European Union Emergency Trust Fund for Africa (EUTF for Africa).