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Migration and Home Affairs


A third-country national subject to a temporary secondment from an undertaking established outside the territory of a EU Member State and to which the third-country national is bound by a work contract to an entity belonging to the undertaking or to the same group of undertakings which is established inside this territory.


Derived from Arts. 3(b) and 3(c) of Directive 2014/66/EU (Directive on the entry and residence of third-country nationals in the framework of an intra-corporate transfer)


  • BG: вътрешно-корпоративен трансфер
  • CS: vnitropodnikově převáděný pracovník
  • DE: unternehmensintern transferierter Arbeitnehmer (EU acquis, AT, LU); innerbetrieblich versetzte Person (DE)
  • EL: ενδοϋπηρεσιακώς µετατιθέµενος
  • EN: intra-corporate transferee
  • ES: trabajador transnacional
  • ET: ettevõttesisene üleviimine
  • FI: sisäisen siirron saanut työntekijä / yrityksen tilapäisesti toiseen maahan lähettämä työntekijä
  • FR: personne faisant l’objet d’un transfert temporaire intragroupe
  • GA: aistrí ionchorparáideach
  • HR: osoba premještena unutar društva
  • HU: vállalaton belül áthelyezett személy
  • IT: lavoratore straniero distaccato (persona trasferita all’interno della stessa società in un altro paese)
  • LT: bendrovės viduje perkeliamas asmuo (EU acquis); įmonės viduje perkeltas užsienietis
  • LV: uzņēmuma ietvaros pārcelts darbinieks / uzņēmuma iekšienē nosūtīts darbinieks
  • MT: Ħaddiem trasferit minn post għal ieħor tal‑istess kumpanija / Trasferiment intra-korporattiv ta’ ħaddiem
  • NL: binnen een onderneming overgeplaatste persoon
  • PL: pracownik przenoszony wewnątrz przedsiębiorstwa
  • PT: pessoas transferidas temporariamente pela empresa
  • RO: transferat intra-corporaţie
  • SK: pracovník presunutý v rámci spoločnosti
  • SL: oseba, premeščena znotraj podjetja
  • SV: företagsinternt förflyttad person
  • NO: utstasjonert arbeidstaker (b); utstasjonert arbeidstakar (n)
  • KA: კორპორაციის ფარგლებში დასაქმებული პირი
  • UK: Міжкорпоративно переведений працівник
  • HY: ներկորպորատիվ ցանցում փոխադրվող աշխատակից


The World Trade Organisation’s (WTO) General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), liberalises trade in services, including the temporary movement of natural persons as service suppliers. Mode 4 refers to the presence of persons of one WTO member in the territory of another for the purpose of providing a service. It does not concern persons seeking access to the employment market in the host member, nor does it affect measures regarding citizenship, residence or employment on a permanent basis. For more information, see the website of the World Trade Organization